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Spanish Words

(and other stuff)

hola hello
Buenos di(')as Good morning
Buenas tardes Good afternoon
Buenas noches Good night/evening
adio(')s goodbye
Hasta luego See you later
Hasta man(~)ana See you tomorrow
Nos vemos See you later
(?)Como te llamas? What is your name?(familiar)
(?)Como se llama? What is your name?(formal)
Me llamo... My name is...
Mucho gusto Nice to meet you
Encantado/a Delighted to meet you
Es un placer It is a pleasure
Igualmente Likewise
El gusto es mi(')o The pleasure is mine
Te/le presento a... Let me introduce you to...
(?)Quien es? Who is he/she/it?
Es... He/she/it is...
(?)Como esta(')s? How are you?(familiar)
(?)Que(') tal? How is it going?(familiar)
(?)Que(') pasa? What's up?(familiar)
(?)Como esta(') usted? How are you?(formal)
bien good
mal bad
regular okay
muy bien very good
Ma(')s o menos So-so/meh
(?)Y tu(')? And you?(familiar)
(?)Y usted? And you?(formal)
(?)De do(')nde eres? Where are you from?(familiar)
(?)De do(')nde es? Where is he/she from?
(?)De do(')nde es usted? Where are you from?(formal)
Soy de... I am from...
Es de... He/she is from...
Escuchar To listen
El/La maestro/a de espan(~)ol Spanish teacher(the teacher of Spanish)
Por favor Please
Gracias Thank you
Muchas gracias Thank you very much
Escribir To write
el apellido last name
Hablar To speak
Si(') Yes
la clase class(the class)
la sen(~)ora Mrs.(missus)
la sen(~)orita Ms.(miss)
Pe(')rdon Excuse me
el pai(')s country
el sen(~)or Mr.(mister)
De nada You're welcome
No No
Leer To read
(?)Cua(')l es tu/su nu(')mero de tele(')fono? What is your phone number? (tu = familiar, su = formal)
Mi nu(')mero de tele(')fono es... My phone number is...
lunes Monday
martes Tuesday
mie(')rcoles Wednesday
jueves Thursday
viernes Friday
saba(')do Saturday
domingo Sunday
(?)Que(') tiempo hace? What's the weather?/How's the weather?
Hace buen tiempo. The weather is good.
Hace mal tiempo. The weather is bad.
Hace sol. It is sunny.
Hace viento. It is windy.
Hace fri(')o. It is cold.
Hace fresco. It is chilly/cool.
Hace calor. It is hot.
Esta(') lloviendo./Llueve. It is raining.
Esta(') nevando./Nieva It is snowing.
Esta(') nublado. It is cloudy.
Esta(') parcialmente nublado. It is partly cloudy.
el tornado tornado
el huraca(')n hurricane
la tormenta storm
el rela(')mpago lightning
el granizo hail
la nube cloud
la nieva snow
el arco iris rainbow
el verano Summer
el oton(~)o Fall
el invierno Winter
la primavera Spring
Alquilar un DVD To rent a DVD
Andar en patineta To skateboard
Aprender el espan(~)ol To learn Spanish
Beber To drink
Comer To eat
Correr To run
Descansar To rest
Dibujar To draw
Escribir correos electro(')nicos To write e-mails
Escuchar mu(')sica To listen to music
Estudiar To study
Hablar por tele(')fono To talk on the phone
Hacer la tare To do homework
Jugar al fu(')tbol To play soccer
Leer un libro To read a book
Mirar la televisio(')n To watch television
Mortar en bicicleta To ride a bicycle
Pasar un rato con los amigos To spend time with friends
Pasear To go for a walk
Practicar deportes To practice/play sports
Preparar la comida To prepare food/a meal
Tocar la guitarra To play the guitar
Trabajar To work
(?)Que(') te gusta hacer? What do you like to do?
(?)Te gusta...? Do you like...?
Me gusta... I like...
No me gusta... I do not like...
el agua water
la fruta fruit
la galleta cookie
el helado ice cream
el jugo juice
las papas fritas french fries
la pizza pizza
el refresco soft drink
la actividad activity
Antes de Before
Despue(')s(de) Afterward/after
la escuela school
Ma(')s More
O Or
Pero But
Tambie(')n Also
arti(')stico(a) artistic
atle(')tico(a) athletic
bueno(a) good
co(')mico(a) funny
organizado(a) organized
desorganizado(a) disorganized
estudioso(a) studious
inteligente intelligent
malo(a) bad
perezoso(a) lazy
serio(a) serious
simpa(')tico nice
trabajador hard-working
alto(a) tall
bajo(a) short(height)
bonito(a) pretty
grande big, large; great
guapo(a) good-looking
joven(pl. jo(')venes young
pequen(~)o(a) small
viejo(a) old
pelirrojo(a) red-haired
pelo rubio blond hair
pelo castan(~)o brown hair
Tengo... I have...
Tiene... He/she has
el(la) amigo(a) friend
la chica girl
el chico boy
el(la) estudiante student
el hombre man
la mujer woman
la persona person
muy very
un poco a little
porque because
todos(as) all
rojo(a) red
azul blue
gris gray
negro(a) black
blanco(a) white
amarillo(a) yellow
rosado(a) pink
verde green
morado(a)/purpuro(a) purple
marro(')n/cafe(') brown
anaranjado(a) orange
el arte art
las ciencias science
el espan(~)ol Spanish
la historia history
el ingle(')s English
las matema(')ticas math
contestar to answer
ensen(~)ar to teach
llegar to arrive
necesitar to need
sacar una buen(o)a/mala(o) nota to get a good/bad grade
tomar apuntes to take notes
usar la computadora to use the computer
(?)A que(') hora es...? At what time is...?
(?)Que(') hora es? What time is it?
A la(s)... At...o'clock
Es la.../Son las... It is...o'clock
de la man(~)ana in the morning(with a time)
de la noche at night(with a time)
la hora hour;time
el horario schedule
menos to, before(telling time)
el minuto minute
...y cuarto quarter past
...y(diez) (ten) past
...y media half past
de vez un cuando once in a while
muchas veces often, many times
mucho a lot
nunca never
siempre always
todos los di(')as everyday
casi almost
(?)Cuandos(as)...? How many...?
difi(')cil difficult
en in
el examen(plural = los exa(')menes test, exam
fa(')cil easy
hay... there is, there are
muchos(as) many
tarde late
temprano early
tener que to have to
el borrado eraser
la calculadora calculator
el cuaderno notebook
el escritorio desk
el la(')piz pencil
el mapa map
la mochila backpack
el papel paper
el pizarro( ')n board/chalkboard
la pluma pen
la puerta door
el reloj clock/watch
la silla chair
la tiza chalk
la ventana window
aburrido(a) boring
divertido(a) fun
interesante interesting
el ban(~)o bathroom
la biblioteca library
la cafeteri(')a cafeteria
el gimnasio gymnasium
la oficina office
el pasillo hall
al lado(de) next to
cerca(de) near(to)
debajo(de) underneath/under
delante(de) in front(of)
dentro(de) inside(of)
detra(')s(de) behind
encima(de) on top(of)
lejos(de) far(from)
cansado(a) tired
contento(a) happy/content
deprimido(a) depressed
emocionado(a) excited
enojado(a) angry
nervioso(a) nervous
ocupado(a) busy
tranquilo(a) calm
triste sad
el almuerzo lunch
la bebida beverage/drink
la cena dinner
la comida food/meal
el desayuno breakfast
compartir to share
vender to sell
el cafe(') coffee
el cereal cereal
el huevo egg
el jugo de naranja orange juice
la leche milk
el pan bread
el yogur yogurt
la hamburguesa hamburger
el sa(')ndwich de jamo(')n y queso ham and cheese sandwich
la sopa soup
la banana banana
la manzana apple
las uvas grapes
tener ganas de... to feel like...
tener hambre to be hungry
tener sed to be thirsty
(?)Como? How?
(?)Cua(')l(es)? Which?/What?
(?)Por que(')? Why?
(?)Que(')? What?
(?)Quie(')n(es)? Who?
Created by: alov9636
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