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Unit 5 Vocab Words

(Semester 2) Unit 5 Vocabulary Words

unleave to lose leaves
wanwood probably wan (pale, sickly, feeble) + wood (forest)
leafmeal probably leaf + piecemeal (in pieces), thus, with leaves fallen in pieces
blight a disease that injures or kills plants; something that crushes one’s hopes or plans; something that harms or destroys
luscious delicious; appealing strongly to the senses
streamlet a small stream
fingerpost a guidepost with a sign shaped like a pointing finger
conspire to plan or plot together
store abundance; a great quantity
furrow a groove cut in a field by a plow
leaden like lead; dull and heavy; dark gray in color
artisans skilled craftsmen
frolic playful; merry
jag fit
saffron orange-yellow
soiree party
solitude time spent alone
succinct concise
vignette brief description of an event or episode
aquifer underground reserve of water
equilibrium balance
pandemonium chaos
seminal crucial or extremely influential
vilify harshly criticize
appalled filled with fear, dread, dismay
conundrum a riddle; a difficult question or problem
dire desperate; terrible
gape stare with one’s mouth open
inelegant graceless; lacking refinement
rapture a state of extreme emotion; ecstasy
roil move violently
translucent allowing light to pass through
ode a short lyric poem that praises an individual, an idea, or an event
blustering strongly blowing
condemn to sentence to punishment
sojourn temporary stay or journey
fraudulent false
venerable commanding respect because of impressive dignity
disembodied outside the body
lustily hearty; strongly
throng large crowd
precipices cliffs with very steep sides
Created by: wyvernsmile
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