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Hobbies + sports p68

Hobbies, interests, sports and exercise pg.68

amuesieren (sich) to enjoy yourself
anglen to fhish
Angelrute fishing rod
ausgehen to go out
ausruhen (sich), relaxen to rest, relax
Ball ball
bel mir at (my) home
Blockfloete recorder
Bowling gehen to go ten-pin bowling
Briettspiel boarded game
brieffreund/in penfriend
Disko disco
D-it-yourself DIY
Eisbahn skating rink
Reierabend machen to finish work for the day
Floete flute
Freizeit free time, spare time
Fussball football
Gartenarbeit gardening
gehoeren to belong to
Geige violin
Gewichtstraining weight training
Hobby hobby, pasttime
holen fetch
hoeren to hear, to listen to
Imbissstube snack bar
Inlineskaten roller blading
jobben to do casual jobs
joggen yo jog
Jugendklub youth club
Kegelbahn bowling alley
Klavier piano
laufen to run
Leichtathletik athletics
malen to paint
Manschaft team
musuzeren to play a musical instrument
Nachtklub nightclub
Rad fahren to ride a bike, go cyclng
reiten to ride (a horse)
relaxen to relax
Roman novel
Schach chess
Schlagzeug drums
Schlaeger racket
schwimmen to swim
segeln to sail
skateboarden, Skateboard fahren to skateboard
Ski laufen to ski
spazieren gehen to go for a walk
Spiel game, match
speilen to play
Spieler/in player
Speilzug toy
Sport treiben to do/play sport
Sportzentrum sports centre
springen to jump
Stadion stadium
tanzen to dance
tauchen to dive
Trommel drum
Trompete trumpet
Turnen gymnastics
wandern to hike, to go rambling
Wasserski fahren to waterski
werfen to throw
windsurfen to windsurf
Created by: MightyWarrior
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