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EDF 6225 Exam 2

Chained Schedules two or more schedules in the same order, can be for same or different behaviors and conditioned reinforcement for one element is the presentation of the next element. SD is present
Multiple Schedules two or more schedules in an alternating random sequence and SD is present
concurrent schedules two or more contingencies of reinforcement operate independently and simultaneous
Technological written description of all procedures in the study and is sufficiently complete and detailed to enable others to replicate it.
Applied Investigates socially significant behavior's with immediate importance to the participants
Generality Produces behavior changes that last over time and appear in other environments and to other behaviors.
Determinism the universe is a lawful and orderly place in which all phenomena occur as the result of other events.
Replication The repeating of an experiment.
Parsimony All simple explanations are ruled out before more complex or abstract explanations are considered.
Philosophic doubt the continuous questioning of truthfulness and validity of all scientific theory and knowledge.
Experimentation Controlled comparison of some measure of the phenomenon of interest (DV) under two or more different conditions in which only one factor at a time (IV) differs from one condition to another.
Empiricism Objective observation of the phenomena of interest.
Conceptually Systematic Behavior change interventions are derived from basic principles of behavior.
Analytic Demonstrates experimental control over the occurrence and non-occurrence of the behavior.
Behavioral Actually measuring the behavior in need of improvement and document that it was the participants behavior that changed.
Effective improves behavior sufficiently to produce practical results. Noticeable changes. Behavior improves in a socially significant way.
Abolishing operations Weaken the effectiveness of a reinforcer or punisher
Premack Principle Reinforcing a target behavior by awarding same privilege to engage in a more desired behavior afterward. "if/Then"
Respondent Behavior Reflexive behavior. Respondents are brought out by stimuli that immediately precede them.
Motivating Operations An environmental variable that momentarily changes the value of a reinforcer or punisher and changes the probability of a behavior occurring.
Discriminative Stimulus Signals the availability of a particular reinforcer for a particular behavior.
Establishing operations make a reinforcer or punisher more valuable or effective.
Variable Contingency The response ratio or time requirements can change from one reinforced response to the next.
Fixed Contingency The response ratio or time requirement remains the same.
Evocative Effect behavior is more likely to occur.
Abative Effect decreases probability of a behavior that has led to accessing that reinforcer or punisher in the past.
Automatic Reinforcement Occurs when a persons behavior creates a favorable outcome without the involvement of another person.
Limited Hold following the end of the interval the individual has a set time to engage in target behavior before the next interval begins.
Post reinforcement pause present on fixed schedules of reinforcement dur to the predictability of the schedule the individual may stop responding following reinforcement resuming based on time or value of reinforcement.
Stimulus Delta A stimulus in the environment that signals the non-availability of reinforcement.
Stimulus Control When an organism behaves in one way in the presence of a given stimulus and another way in its absence.
Fixed Ratio completion of a constant number of responses
Fixed Interval reinforces the first correct response after a constant fixed amount of time
Variable ratio completion of a changing number of responses
Variable interval reinforces the first correct response after a changing amount of time.
Conditioned Punisher A previously neutral stimulus change that functions as a punisher due to prior pairing with one or more other punishers.
Matching Law Behavior is proportional to the rate of reinforcement. If the rate f reinforcement is higher, response is higher.
Dependent Variable the measured behavior in an experiment.
Independent Variable the variable that is manipulated in an experiment.
Unconditioned punisher punishment that works without prior learning.
Unconditioned Reinforcer reinforcers that do not need to be learned such as food, water, oxygen, warmth, and sex.
Conditioned reinforcer something that needs to be learned through pairings with unconditioned reinforcers.
Punishement operant conditioner consists of a decrease in the response frequency
Reinforcement operant conditioner consists of an increase in the response frequency.
Positive punishment something is added after the behavior occurs and the behavior decreases
Negative Punishment something is removed as a consequence and the behavior decreases.
Negative reinforcement removal of a stimulus increases the future frequency of a behavior.
Positive reinforcement addition of a stimulus increases the future frequency of a behavior.
Sidman (1993) avoidance/escape
Neef (1994) Assessing Influential dimensions of reinforcers
Osborne (1969) Free time as a reinforcer
Hernstien Matching Law
S-R Psychology Stimulus response = principles of conditioning



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