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2 Ch4B Reciprocal
Question | Answer |
se besan | they, you all kiss each other |
nos besamos | we kiss each other |
se abrazan | they, you all hug each other |
nos abrazamos | we hug each other |
se saludan | they, you all greet each other |
nos saludamos | we greet each other |
se dan la mano | they, you all shake each other's hand |
nos damos la mano | we shake each other's hand |
se despiden | they, you all say good-bye to each other |
nos despedimos | we say good-bye to each other |
se llevan bien/mal | they, you all get along well/badly with each other |
nos llevamos bien/mal | we get along well/badly with each other |
se sonríen | they, you all smile at each other |
nos sonreímos | we smile at each other |
se reúnen | they, you all meet up with each other |
la familia se reúne | the family meets up with each other/ gathers together |
nos reunimos | we meet up with each other |
se casan | they, you all marry each other |
nos casamos | we marry each other |
se charlan | they, you all chat with each other |
nos charlamos | we chat with each other |
se divierten | they, you all enjoy/ have fun with each other |
nos divertimos | we enjoy/ have fun with each other |
se felicitan | they, you all congratulate each other |
nos felicitamos | we congratulate each other |
se pelean | they, you all fight with each other |
nos peleamos | we fight with each other |
se escriben | they, you all write each other |
nos escribimos | we write each other |