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Section 2: Real Estate Brokerage

Who is responsible for supervising a licensee? Broker
Who is responsible for developing a licensee's business? Licensee
Who is responsible for supervising a personal assistant? Both Broker and Licensee
Who is responsible for a licensee's actions? Both Broker and Licensee
Employee or Independent Contractor: Paid for time worked on salary Employee
Employee or Independent Contractor: Paid for results, not time worked Independent Contractor
Employee or Independent Contractor: Broker withholds income and Social Security taxes Employee
Employee or Independent Contractor: Broker doesn't withhold income or Social Security taxes Independent Contractor
Employee or Independent Contractor: I’ll set your work hours for you, and you’ll be compensated for hours worked. Employee
Employee or Independent Contractor: You’re compensated based on performance. Close a sale, and you’ll earn a commission. You’ll set your own hours and how you’ll work, but I’ll provide instructions, training, and supervision to help you. Independent Contractor
Employee or Independent Contractor: I’ll pay federal and state unemployment taxes, and withhold appropriate income taxes from your paycheck. Employee
True or False? Consumers compensate brokers for their services, generally in the form of a percentage of the sales price of the property involved in the transaction. True
True or False? A salesperson's compensation comes directly from the client or customer. False
True or False? The industry has a “standard” compensation fee. False
True or False? Brokerage compensation options include a flat fee, fee for service, or percentage of sale. True
True or False? The amount a salesperson is compensated is dependent upon the agreement with the broker. True
True or False? If a licensee is the procuring cause for a sale, that licensee may still earn compensation. True
True or False? A procedure regulates and controls actions. False
True or False? A procedure tells the “who, how, and when” something is done to implement that policy. True
True or False? Establishing policies and procedures sets expectations for how the company will conduct business and meet consumer needs. True
True or False? Providing guidelines for employees and independent contractors will clarify direction, reduce confusion, and provide specific parameters for everyone to follow reduces risk. True
T/F? When all are trained to follow policies/procedures & broker shows commitment to enforcing them, this can provide evidence of broker’s care for consumer protection & shifts liability to those who may rebel & act unethically w/out broker’s knowledge. True
True or False? E&O insurance is mandated as a condition of licensing in many states. True
True or False? Your E&O policy provides coverage in many situations, but not in all. True
True or False? All E&O policies cover regulatory complaints. False
True or False? E&O policies will always cover property damage and/or bodily injury claims. False
True or False? Effective training is both relevant and ongoing. True
True or False? Training should focus on real estate law, practice, and areas where most complaints occur. True
True or False? Have an attorney review your firm’s practices and policies. True
True or False? Minimize risk by only meeting with your attorney when a problem arises. False
True or False? The government makes laws to safeguard the welfare of its citizens. True
True or False? Ethics are dependent on a person’s conscience and values. True
True or False? Ethics are legally enforced. False
True or False? Laws are legally enforced. True
True or False? Laws are legally enforced. True
True or False? Because morality differs from person to person, laws are made with generally accepted ethics as their guiding principle. True
Laws, ethics, or morality? Varies from person to person (religious or cultural beliefs) Morality
Laws, ethics, or morality? Basis for laws Ethics
Laws, ethics, or morality? Specify accepted ethical behaviors to safeguard citizens Laws
Laws or ethic/moral? Mary stops at a red light. Laws
Laws or ethic/moral? Mary goes to church every week because she feels it's the right thing to do. Ethics/morals
Laws or ethic/moral? Mary believes it's wrong to eat meat. Ethics/morals
Laws or ethic/moral? Mary must obtain a license to practice real estate. Laws
True or False? The “right thing” is always ethical. True
True or False? As a licensee, the Golden Rule can help you behave ethically no matter the situation. True
True or False? A licensee’s personal ethical standards interact with laws and morals every day. True
True or False? The easiest course of action isn’t always the most ethical. True
True or False? Personal ethics have no impact on professional behavior. False
Ethical or Unethical? You promote your own interests ahead of the client’s. Not ethical
Ethical or Unethical? You treat all parties honestly, even customers. Ethical
Ethical or Unethical? You modify the suggested listing price of a property above market value in an effort to win the listing. Not ethical
Ethical or Unethical? You offer advice on the condition of a property’s roof. Not ethical
Ethical or Unethical? When listing a property, you cooperate with the buyer’s agents. Ethical
Ethical or Unethical? You're the listing agent on your parents' property, but you keep this fact confidential from prospective buyers. Not ethical
What are three of the reasons that it's important for brokerage firms to have a code of ethics? 1) To decrease legal liability and avoid costly penalties 2) To help foster a collaborative and professional working environment 3) To create a standard of behavior and practices that will establish and reinforce the firm’s reputation within its market
What are five things brokerages can do to integrate the code of ethics into the organization? 1) Commit it to writing 2) Spread the word 3) Walk the walk 4) Enforce it 5) Reinforce it
Do/don't? Use existing forms an attorney has reviewed. Do
Do/don't? Create your own real estate forms. Don't
Do/don't? Interpret legal consequences of specific actions. Don't
Do/don't? Explain clauses to your clients. Do
Do/don't? Charge a fee for preparing transaction documents. Don't
Do/don't? Know your state's definition of unauthorized practice of law. Do
Do/don't? Freely make changes to existing forms by striking provisions and writing new provisions. Don't
Do/don't? Encourage clients to have an attorney draft non-standard forms. Do
Within/outside expertise of real estate licensee? Perform appraisals to determine the value of a home. Outside expertise
Within/outside expertise of real estate licensee? Perform a market analysis to determine a market value range for a property. Within expertise
Within/outside expertise of real estate licensee? Give advice on how to finance a home purchase. Outside expertise
Within/outside expertise of real estate licensee? Search for properties on the MLS. Within expertise
Within/outside expertise of real estate licensee? Perform property inspections. Outside expertise
Within/outside expertise of real estate licensee? Market listings through flyers. Within expertise
The Sherman Act An 1890 act to protect the public from monopolies or combinations that restrain trade
The Clayton Act Enacted in 1914 as a supplement to the Sherman Act, with the same general purpose, designed to cover restraints on interstate trade or commerce not covered by the Sherman Act
The Federal Trade Commission Act A federal body formed through an act of Congress in 1914 with the power to declare trade practices unfair that conflict with basic policies of antitrust legislation
Which three parties are involved in the enforcement of antitrust law? 1) Federal Trade Commission 2) Department of Justice 3) State Attorney General
Federal antitrust violation? Price fixing Violation
Federal antitrust violation? Individual boycotts Not a violation
Federal antitrust violation? Group boycotts Violation
Federal antitrust violation? Market allocation agreements Violation
Federal antitrust violation? Tie-in arrangements Violation
Per se Guilt is established on the face of the circumstances.
Group Boycotting An illegal agreement between parties to not do business with a particular person or company
Tie-in Arrangement An antitrust violation in which the provider of a service requires the customer or client to purchase another service
Is This a Tie-In Arrangement? An agent tells a prospective buyer that she'll only negotiate on her behalf if she signs an agency agreement to be a client. Not a tie-in arrangement
Is This a Tie-In Arrangement? An agent tells a buyer that his commission rate is 2%, but the buyer won't have to pay this out of pocket if the seller's agent pays a commission to cooperating agents. Not a tie-in arrangement
Is This a Tie-In Arrangement? An agent tells a client that if the client chooses to finance his mortgage through Alamo Bank & Trust, she will take 1% off of her commission rate. Tie-in arrangement
Is This a Tie-In Arrangement? An agent agrees to work with a client, but only if the client agrees to not do business with Peak Mortgage. Tie-in arrangement
Is This a Tie-In Arrangement? You and your licensees are having issues with BuyNow Mortgage, so you decided you'd no longer accept pre-approvals from this company. Not a tie-in arrangement
Price fixing The illegal agreement between competitors to fix services or products at a specific price
Is This Price Fixing? Yankee Group and Met Realty both charge commissions of 5%. Not price fixing
Is This Price Fixing? Met Realty and Sox Properties agree to charge commissions of 6%. Price fixing
Is This Price Fixing? All agents with MaxRealty charge a 4% commission split evenly with the cooperating agent. Not price fixing
Is This Price Fixing? Maize Realty offers most cooperating agents a commission of 2.5%. However, they only offer a commission of 2% to Scarlet Agents. Not price fixing
Is This Price Fixing? While networking at a real estate industry event, agents from several firms agree to start writing listing contracts for terms of three months. Price fixing
Market Allocation The illegal process of dividing up a market by geography, price point, etc., to limit competition
Is This Market Allocation? Instead of competing in each other's territories, agents in two brokerage firms agree to segment the marketplace and refer clients to one another who are outside of their assigned market area. Market allocation
Is This Market Allocation? An agent has a client who would like to purchase a home in a neighboring county. Unfamiliar with the area, the agent refers the buyer to another agent with the firm who is more knowledgeable. Not market allocation
Is This Market Allocation? A local realty firm is seeking to bring on an agent who will focus only on properties priced above one million dollars. Not market allocation
Policies and Procedures Manual Outlines a brokerage's guidelines for employees and independent contractors that clarify direction, reduce confusion, and provide specific parameters for everyone to follow
Employee A worker whose employer controls the details of the worker's performance
Independent contractor A person whose work is not directly controlled by a supervisor or manager
Referral fee A fee paid to someone who receives a client or customer for service to the person referring the client or customer
Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA) An act which protects borrowers from overcharges by requiring disclosure and prohibiting kickbacks
Procuring cause The initiator in a chain of events that leads to a real estate sale
Code of ethics A system of rules and norms established by a group of professionals who agree to adhere to them to maintain the standards of their profession
Antitrust law Laws relating to the suppression of competition in the marketplace
Who is responsible for reviewing transactional paperwork and advertising? Broker
Created by: StaRacer94
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