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Chapter 29 Notes
Question | Answer |
Usually waves are party reflected and partly refracted when they fall on a..... | transparent medium. |
The bouncing back of a particle or wave that strikes a boundary between two media. | Reflection. |
Metal surfaces are ... to light waves. | Rigid. |
When light shines perpendicularly on the surface of still waterm, about how much of its energy is reflected? | 2%. |
When light strikes glass perpendicularly, about how much of its energy is reflected? | 4%. |
What is the law of reflection? | Angle of Incidence = Angle of Reflection. |
A light wave that strikes a boundary is called an ... | incident wave. |
A light wave that bounces off a boundary is called a ... | reflected wave. |
A line drawn perpendicular to the point where the incident ray strikes the boundary is called a ... | normal. |
How is a normal drawn? | With a dashed line. |
Plane mirrors produce only what kind of images? | Virual images. |
What kind of image appears to be in a location where light does not really reach? | Virtual images. |
True or False: A virtual image is the same distance behind the mirror as the object is in front of it. | True. |
The virtual image formed by a ... mirror is smaller an closer to the mirror than the object is. | Convex. |
When an object is close to a ... mirror, the virtual image is larger and farther away than the object is. | Concave. |
What kind of mirrors are flat? | Plane. |
What kind of mirrors are curved outward? | Convex. |
What kind of mirrors are curved inward? | Concave. |
What is a likeness or a reproduction of an object? | Image. |
What kind of images are always upright? | Virtual. |
What kind of images are always inverted? | Real. |
What type of image is a concave mirror close up? | Virtual. |
What type of image is a concave mirror far away? | Real. |
What is the size of an image in a plane mirror? | Same size. |
What is the size of an image in a convex mirror? | Smaller. |
What is the size of an image in a concave mirror close up? | Larger. |
What is the size of an image in a concave mirror far away? | Smaller. |
What is the distance of a plane mirror? | Same distance. |
What is the distance of a convex mirror. | Farther. |
What is the distance of a concave mirror close up? | Closer. |
What is the distance of a concave mirror far away? | Farther. |
What is the reflection of light from a rough surface? | Diffuse reflection. |
What is an echo? | Reflected sound. |
What is the bending of a wave as it crosses the boundary between two media at an angle? | Refraction. |
What occurs in uneven winds or when sound is traveling through air of uneven temperatures? | Sound refraction. |
What is a distorted image caused by refraction of light in Earth's atmosphere? | Mirage. |
What is the separation of light into a range of colors? | Dispersion. |
What is total internal reflection? | Total - 100%. |