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El Crimen/Castigo
Question | Answer |
un delito | a crime |
el crimen | crime |
un delincuente | a criminal |
cometer | to commit |
el castigo | a punishment |
ha cometido | has committed |
la ley | the law |
en contra de | against |
el gobierno | the government |
ha robado | has robbed |
un abogado | a lawyer |
un ladrón | a thief |
el cerebro | the brain |
un agente | an agent |
un agente de policía | a police officer |
un detective | a detective |
sospechoso | suspicious |
el sospechoso | the suspect |
un acusado | a suspect |
el archivo | a file |
acusar | to charge |
negar | to deny |
le echa la culpa | s/he blames him/her |
culpable | guilty |
inocente | innocent |
confesar | to confess |
lo hizo | s/he did it |
no puede ser | it can't be |
lo hicimos | we did it |
la evidencia | the evidence |
falta de evidencia | lack of evidence |
el pasillo | the hallway |
detenido | detained |
deber | should/ought to |
estaba | was |
mentira | a lie |
mentiroso | a liar |
la verdad | the truth |
el robo | robbery |
el asesino | the murderer |
el asesinato | murder |
la sala de espera | the waiting room |
alguien | someone |
no lo creo | I don't believe it |
no te creo | I don't believe you |
no lo hice | I didn't do it |
lo hiciste | you did it |
fuiste | you went |
saliste | you left |
planificar | to plan |
un herido | an injured person |
una herida | a wound |
ayer | yesterday |
llegaste | you arrived |
una propuesta | a proposal |
abogado | lawyer |
la ventaja | advantage |
el secuestro | kidnapping |
las noticias | the news |
el equipo | team |
la caja fuerte | safe |
el gerente | manager |
el jefe | boss |
el juez | judge |
la carcel | jail |
la amenaza | threat |
trancar la puerta | to lock the door |