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BIOCHEM Lecture 06

exam 2

cell signaling definition and purpose allows cells to sense and respond to the environment
signal chemical ligands or pressure light and temperature
receptor recognize signal and passes on the signal intracellularly
cell surface receptors on the plasma membrane, trigger a second messenger for intracellular signaling
intracellular receptors in the cytosol or nucleoplasm, attach to ligands to activate and become a transcription factor
signal transduction receptors passes signal along with an enzyme cascade, activates effector protein to alter cell activity
non-signal transduction receptors channel proteins don't change conformation but move solutes down a concentration gradient
second messenger activated by receptors and relay signal within the cell EX: cAMP, calcium ions, IP3, DAG
non-polar signaling pass through lipid bilayer by binding to intracellular receptors, trigger transcription of specific genes
ligand-gated ion channels 1) ligand binds to channel protein 2) channel opens 3) ions move through channel down a concentration gradient
signal transduction signal is carried by pathway with a series of proteins, each protein alters conformation of the next, activates effector protein to alter cell activity EX: GPCR and RTK
amplifying signals kinases transduce signals and multiple kinases can be activated at each step
phosphorylation kinases are phosphorylating enzymes that activate other kinases to cause phosphorylation cascade, this is important for amplifying the signal to transfer it through the cell
G-protein coupled receptors contains 7 transmembrane helices
G-protein subunit proteins
G-protein enzyme the alpha subunit GTPase converts GTP into GDP to restart pathway
GPCR signaling (1-4) 1-2) ligand binds to receptor, increases intracellular affinity, attracts G-protein GDP 3-4) G proteins are activated, GDP dissociates, GTP binds
GPCR signaling (5-6) 5) active G proteins pass along the signal to the effectors 6)alpha subunit of G protein hydrolyses GTP into GDP and G protein subunits start cycle over
phospholipase C pathway (1-4) 1-2) extracellular signal binds to GPCR attracting G-protein-GDP 3)G protein exchanges GDP for GTP and dissociates 4)alpha-G-protein GTP activates phospholipase C
phospholipase C pathway (5-8) 5) active PLC cleaves PIP2 into IP3 and DAG 6-7) IP3 triggers calcium release from endoplasmic reticulum 8) calcium and DAG activate protein kinase C which causes a phosphorylation cascade
cAMP pathway (1-4) 1-2) extracellular signal binds GPCR attracting G-protein-GDP 3)G-protein exchanges GDP for GTP and dissociates 4) alpha-G-protein-GTP activates adenylate cyclase
cAMP pathway (5-6) 5)active adenylate cyclase catalyzes conversion of ATP to cAMP 6)cAMP activates kinase cascade
receptor tyrosine kinase pathway 1) ligand binds to 2 RTKs 2) receptor dimerization 3) receptors trans-auto-phosphorylation 4) receptors bind and activate effector proteins via phosphorylation
ligand the chemical signal that binds to the receptor
kinase enzyme that phosphorylates, involved in PLC signaling, cAMP pathway, RTK pathway, Ras-MAP kinase pathway
cAMP second messenger, involved in G-protein adenylate cyclase pathway, activates kinase cascade
DAG second messenger, involved in phospholipase C pathway, activates protein kinase C to cause phosphorylation cascade
Ca2+ second messenger involved in phospholipase C pathway, calcium activates protein kinase C to cause phosphorylation cascade
IP3 second messenger, involved in phospholipase C pathway, triggers calcium release from endoplasmic reticulum
channel protein pathway for solutes to move into a cell down a concentration gradient, ligand gated ion channels
Ras activation of Ras causes kinase cascade in MAPK pathway
effector protein alter cell activity, involved in cell surface receptors, RTK pathway, Ras-MAP pathway
RTK regulate cell growth, division, differentiation, survival and migration, signal transduction RTK pathway
stimulus first messenger
conformation shape of the receptor, signal transduction alters proteins
MAP kinase enzyme that phosphorylates MAPKKK to MAPK
phosphate added through phosphorylation in signal transduction
phospholipase C enzyme that cleaves PIP2 into secondary messengers in PLC pathway
PIP2 molecule broken into IP3 and DAG in PLC pathway
protein kinase C second messengers activate the enzyme to cause phosphorylation cascade in PLC pathway
adenylate cyclase enzyme that catalyzes the conversion of ATP into cAMP
kinase cascade amplifies signal, occurs in cAMP pathway and Ras-MAP kinase
dimerization brings receptors together in RTK pathway
scaffolding localizes proteins in a pathway to prevent upstream activators from reacting with downstream activators
cross pathway inhibition other pathways with common components are actively inhibited by the activated pathway.
endoplasmic reticulum calcium released from ER in PLC signaling to activate protein kinase C
specificity: receptor expression different cells have different receptors and are expressed at different times
specificity: scaffolding localizing proteins and prevents upstream activators from interacting with downstream proteins
specificity: cross pathway inhibition other pathways with common components are inhibited by the activated pathway
divergence a single stimulus sends signals along a variety of different pathways
convergence different receptors bind to different ligands but lead to the same effector
crosstalk interaction between multiple signaling pathways
Created by: r.logan6029
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