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Chemistry Test

Element Fundamental building blocks, element on the periodic table
Atom One single element
Molecules A combination of 2 or more atoms
Compounds Made of two or more elements
The Law of Constant Composition A particular compound is always composed of the same ratio of each element
Atoms Particles composed of protons, neutrons, and electrons
Ernest Rutherford's gold foil experiment Disproved the plum pudding model and discovered nucleus.
J.J. Thomson's cathode ray tube experiment Discovered electrons
Isotopes Atoms with the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons
Plum pudding model States that electrons are negatively charged particles embedded in a positively charged substances. A uniform ´Pudding´ of positive charge with enough electrons scattered throughout to balance it out.
Nucleus Mass of an atom is located
Empty space Volume of an atom is located
Cation Positive
Anion Negative
Explain how an ion is formed. Ion's are formed when an atom gains or loses electrons
Example of isotope: 14C and 12C
What is not an example of electromagnetic radiation? UV rays
What statement about atomic structure is incorrect? Electrons move in circular orbits around the nucleus
The distance between two crests in a wave is called the wavelength
An orbital can be described as an area in space where the electron is likely to be found
A photon with a longer wavelength will have Lower energy and lower frequency
Scientists led to what conclusion? That the energy of the hydrogen atom is quantized
Moving down the periodic table, does atomic size increase or decrease? explain. It increase because electrons are added to a new energy level.
Moving from left to right does atomic size increase or decrease? It decreases because the electrons are being added to the same energy level and are no farther from the nucleus.
Moving down from the periodic table, does ionization energy increase or decrease? It decreases because the highest energy electron is farther from the nucleus and is easier to move.
Moving across the periodic table, does ionization energy increase or decrease? It increases. The highest energy electron is closer to the nucleus and is therefore harder to move.
What was Erwin schrodingerś contribution to our understanding of the structure of the atom? He treated the electron as a wave and developed the idea of orbitals .
List the following in the order that they made their contribution. Democritus, Aristotle, Dalton, JJ Thomson, Ernest Rutherford
Bohr Model It pictured the electron moving in circular orbits corresponding to various allowed energy levels.
Why do scientists spend so much time trying to understand electrons and their locations in an atom? If you understand electrons better, you can understand how elements bond better as well as how things are organized in the universe.
Democritus Atomos- uncuttable
Aristotle Air, water, fire earth
Dalton Law of constant composition
JJ Thompson Plum pudding model
Ernest Rutherford Gold foil experiment
Dalton's atomic theory 1. Elements are made of atoms 2. All atoms of a given element are identical (WRONG, neutrons!) 3. Atoms of a given element are different from those of any other element 4. Atoms of one element can combine with other atoms to form compounds
Dalton's atomic theory continued 5. Atoms are indivisible in chemical processes, they are not created or destroy in chemical reactions but are changed. (WRONG, they can be destroyed!)
Who made the wave mechanical model? Erwin Schrödinger and Louis Victor de Broglie
Probability distributions The location of the electron in a hydrogen atom
How is the modern model of the atom different from plum pudding? Modern atom has positive charges centered in the nucleus.
Created by: brookie!
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