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Healthcare heroes

A british chemist and an X-Ray crystallographer. Her contribution to healthcare included molecular structures of DNA, RNA, viruses, coal, and graphite. Rosalind Franklin
They discovered the purification of insulin for diabetes treatment; it earned them a Nobel Prize in 1923 Frederick Banting Charles Best
An American nurse who founded the American Red Cross. She didn't attend nursing school but provided self-taught nursing classes Clara Barton
He was a writer, scientist, inventor, diplomat,and statesman. His contribution to healthcare was the invention of the bifocals and flexible catheter. Benjamin Franklin
He was a Scottish physician and microbiologist. He discovered the world's first antibiotic substance, called Penicillin. Alexander Fleming
A French chemist and microbiologist. He was known for the discoveries of the principles of vaccination, microbial fermentation, and pasteurization. Louis Pasteur
An anatomist, physician, and author who accurately recorded and illustrated the human anatomy through his works of autopsies and dissections. Andreas Vesalius
An English physician who made his contributions in anatomy and physiology by being the first to discover the circulation of blood flow in the human body. William Harvey
A Greek physician that introduced medical terminology to the field of medicine which is widely used today. (Symptom, diagnosis, therapy, trauma, sepsis.) Hippocrates
A British physician and scientist who worked emphasized on the concept of vaccines, SmallPox, which became the first vaccine. Edward Jenner
An English social reformer and statistician. She founded modern nursing and is known as the "Lady with the Lamp". Florence Nightingale
He was a French physician and musician, he invented the stethoscope while making his flute. His invention led to the discovery of analyzing chest conditions. Rene Laennec
A Dutch businessman and scientist. He is known as the "Father of microbiology" and is known as one of the first microscopist and microbiologists. He invented the microscope. Anton van Leeuwenhoek
He was a scottish physician who pioneered naval hygiene in the royal Navy. He conducted the first ever clinical trial that determined that citrus fruits cured scurvy. James Lind
He was a pioneer of infection control by reducing wound infection and introduced antiseptic surgery to humans with carbolic acid. He also was the first to apply pasteur's principles to humans Joseph Lister
A german engineer who invented the first x-ray; this revolutionized physics and medicine and earned him a nobel peace prize in physics. Wilhelm Roentgen
An american dental surgeon who gave the first successful public demonstration of inhaled anesthesia (ether) in surgery. William Morton
They were the creators of the polio vaccine; 1 made it with a dead virus while 2 made it with a weakened virus. 1 - Jonas Salk/2 - Alfred Sabin
He was a south african cardiac surgeon who performed the first human-to-human heart transplant. He was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize but did not win. Christiaan Barnard
A director of pediatric neurosurgery who successfully performed a hemispherectomy, removing half of a kid's diseased brain. The kid is now living happily and is healthy. Ben Carson
She was the first woman to receive an MD degree from a medical school in the US. She opened her own medical college for women. Elizabeth Blackwell
An english obstetrician who performed the first human blood transfusion after his patient hemorrhaged during childbirth; he used her husband's blood. James Blundell
What were treatments based on in Ancient Greece? Philosophy
During which time period was the "science of human anatomy born" Renaissance
First book on human anatomy was published in what year? 1538
What is the size of the human heart? Fist
How many times does your heartbeat in a day? 100k
Which century did William Harvey discover that blood circulated? 17th
In the US, one blood transfusion occurs once every ---- seconds 3
What were the first two chemicals used for anesthesia? Nitrous Oxide (laughing gas) Ether
What year did the first anesthetized surgery occur? 1846
What does the "x" in "x-ray" stand for? x = unknown
What was the difference between the two wards of the Vienna General Hospital and the occurrence of child bed fever? In the ward with the physicians, 7% of mothers die. In the ward with the midwives, only 2% difference. The physicians would not wash their hands before moving to the next patient
What infectious diseases did Louie Pasteur's children die of? typhoid fever
What industry did Pasteur first work in to eradicate germs? Beer and Wine
Who proposed the Germ Theory? Louis Pasteur
What is the ONE central idea in the Germ Theory? One microorganism causes one disease in everybody.
Why were farmers not affected by smallpox? They had already been infected by cowpox, a milder smallpox
Describe the first vaccination ever administered to a human. He withdrew pus from cowpox sores and inoculated a healthy 8 year old. He proved it worked by giving him smallpox the boy lived.
How was scurvy in sailors prevented? Including citrus fruits in a sailor's diet
Ho was beriberi prevented? By eating unpolished brown rice; it was caused by a deficiency in thymine (B1)
What caused most deaths during WWI? infection of wounds
What organism is penicillin derived from? mold
What drug was invented during WWII to fight dysentery? Prontosil
What year as the first insulin injected into a human? 1922
T or F; It is impossible for a virus to cause cancer. False
When did HIV emerge in the population? early 1980s
What does AIDS Stand for? Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
What is unique about retroviruses? Different type of virus; genetic information is converted from RNA to DNA, and the DNA from he virus joins with our DNA.
An antiviral medicines effective treatments? Yes, they help treat HIV and AIDS
Created by: mahimahi



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