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Chemistry Unit 1

Unit 1: Matter & Measurement

Chemistry The study of the structure and properties of matter.
Matter Anything that has mass, takes up space, exhibits inertia(motion), and has energy.
Solid Definite volume and shape.
Liquid Definite volume; shape takes on shape of container.
Gas Volume depends on pressure; expands to take on shape of container.
Plasma High energy gaseous system.
Mass Measure of the amount of matter in a substance.
Weight Measure of Earth's gravitational force on matter.
Law of Conservation of Matter Matter cannot be created or destroyed by ordinary chemical or physical means.
Qualitative Observing the quality of a substance.
Quantitative Measuring the quantity of a substance.
Scientific Notation A way of expressing a very large number or very small number.
Factor Label (dimensional analysis) A technique used to convert between units.
Measurement A comparison to a standard.
Standard Something to which everyone agrees.
SI System (International System) 1960 unification and simplification of the metric system.
Volume Cubic length (amount of space an object takes up).
Density Mass per unit volume.
Accuracy How closely individual measurements agree with the correct or "true" value.
Precision How closely individual measurements agree with one another.
Percent Error A way of quantitatively expressing the accuracy of an experimental result
Percent Error Formula % Error = measured - true / true x 100
Mass–Energy Equivalence E = mc²
Milli (m) 1/1000th
Centi (c) 1/100th
Kilo (k) 1000
If the density of copper is 9.92 g/mL, what is the volume of a 155 gram sample? 17.4mL
Mass-Energy Equivalence: 0.000000001 kg and 300,000,000 90,000,000
This 1-bedroom, 1-bath flat in Aberdeen, Scotland lists for £96,000. If I have €120,000 in the bank, do I have enough to purchase with cash? (write Yes or No) £ 1.00 = $1.18 € 1.00 = $1.33 Yes
Scientific Notation: 1,000,000,000 1 x 10^9
Scientific Notation: 0.000578 5.78 x 10^-4
Scientific Notation: 850,000 8.5 x 10^5
Scientific Notation: 0.00000035 3.5 x 10^-7
A solid gold coin's density is determined using an electronic balance and the water displacement method. The experimentally- determined density of the coin was 19.8 g/mL. Gold has an established density of 19.3 g/mL. Calculate the percent error. 3%
Significant Figures Expresses how reliable a measurement is. The last digit in a measurement value is always estimated.
Significant Figures: 35.6 + 56.27 91.9
Significant Figures: 23.4 x 14 330
Significant Figures: How many sig figs are in 7890.? 4
Created by: sara!
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