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History of the Atom

Atomic number Equal to the number of protons
Mass number Equal to the number of protons + number of neutrons
Protons Positively charged particles located in the nucleus, responsible for the identity of the atom
Neutrons A subatomic particle that has no charge and that is found in the nucleus of an atom; responsible for the stability of the nucleus
Electrons Negatively charge particles located in the electron cloud, responsible for chemical properties
Nucleus Located at the center of the atom, holds the protons and the neutrons
Valence electrons Located at the center of the atom, holds the protons and the neutrons
Atomic mass Total weight of protons and neutrons
Atom Smallest unit of matter
Periodic Table A chart of the elements showing the repeating pattern of their properties
Democritus Named the atom after the Greek word "atomos" which means indivisible; believed there is a limit to how many times one can break matter into smaller pieces; eventually one reaches the smallest particle.
Artistotle All matter is composed of fire, water, earth, and air. Founder of alchemy.
John Dalton All matter made of atoms; all atoms of an element are alike, but are different from other elements; elements can be combined to make compounds; chemical reactions are a rearrangement of elements, but do not change the elements themselves.
JJ Thomson Discovers the electron of an atom using a cathode ray tube; also said the electron must be balanced by positive charge; found that cathode rays could be bent by both electric fields and magnetic fields
Ernest Rutherford Performed the gold foil experiment; proved that most of the atom is empty space and the existence of the positive nucleus at its center; discovered the proton and the nucleus
James Chadwick Discovered the neutron and that its mass is the same as the proton
Niels Bohr Electrons should move around the nucleus but only in prescribed orbits
Dalton's model of the atom Billiard Ball model; Indivisible, indestructible, solid sphere
Thomson's model of the atom Plum-pudding model; Positive charge spread over the sphere with negatively charged electrons inside
Rutherford's model of the atom Nuclear model; A tiny nucleus (positive charge) around which electrons (negative) orbit
Bohr's model of the atom Planetary model; The electrons orbit nucleus at discreet orbits which correspond to energy levels
Schrodinger's model of the atom Quantum model; it is impossible to know the exact location of the electrons instead we have "clouds of probability" called orbitals in which we are more likely to find an electron
Created by: maske_steph
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