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5th Rain Forest test
Term | Definition |
la mariposa | butterfly |
la abeja | bee |
la hormiga | ant |
la mariquita | ladybug |
la libélula | dragonfly |
el grillo | cricket |
el mosquito | mosquito |
la mosca | fly |
bonito | pretty |
feo | ugly |
colorido | colorful |
ruidoso | noisy |
silencioso | silent |
peludo | fuzzy/ hairy |
pequeño | small |
grande | big |
similar | similar |
diferente | different |
brillante | shiny |
feroz | fierce |
neón | neon |
el coquí | Puerto Rican frog |
la hoja | leaf |
la rama | branch |
el árbol | tree |
el arbusto | shrub |
la flor | flower |
encima de | on top of |
debajo de | underneath |
al lado de | next to |
entre | between |
cerca | near |
lejos | far |
a la derecha | to the right |
a la izquierda | to the left |
detrás de | behind |
delante de | in front of |
¿Dónde? | Where? |
el bosque tropical | rain forest |
la rana | frog |