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Question | Answer |
rancorous | characterized by bitter, long-lasting resentment; acrimonious |
rankle | to irritate; to cause resentment; irk |
rarefy | to make or become thin or less dense; refine, purify |
recalcitrant | obstinately resistant to authority; difficult to manage; defiant, rebellious |
recondite | hidden; concealed; difficult to understand; obscure; abstruse, esoteric |
reconnoiter | to engage in reconnaissance; investigate |
redolence | the state of being fragrant, suggestive, or evocative; fragrance |
redress | to set something right; to make amends for; rectify |
refulgent | radiant; shining; brilliant; luminous, resplendent |
refute | to disprove; to successfully argue against; rebut, counter |
regale | to delight or entertain; amuse |
relegate | to forcibly assign, especially to a lower place or position; demote, downgrade, consign |
renege | to fail to honor a commitment; to break a promise; withdraw |
repartee | witty conversation; banter |
reprehensible | worthy of blame or censure; shameful |
repudiate | to refuse to have anything to do with; to disown; abandon, deny |
rescind | to invalidate; to repeal; to retract; void, annul |
reverent | marked by, feeling, or expressing profound awe and respect; respectful |
rhetoric | the art or study of effective use of language for communication and persuasion; elocution |
risible | causing laughter; laughable; ludicrous |