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Question | Answer |
gainsay | to deny; to oppose; contradict |
gambol | to skip about playfully; frolic |
garner | to gather and save; to store up; amass |
garrulous | pointlessly talkative; talking to much; loquacious |
gauche | crude; awkward; tactless |
germane | relevant to the subject at hand; appropriate in subject matter; applicable |
glib | marked by ease or informality; nonchlant; lacking in depth; superficial |
gossamer | delicate; insubstantial or tenuous; diaphanous |
grandiloquence | pompous speech or expression; bombast |
gratuitous | unnecessary; uncalled for; unprovoked |
gregarious | sociable; outgoing; enjoying the company of other people; affable |
guile | artfulness; trickery; duplicity; deceit |
hackneyed | rendered trite or commonplace by frequent usage; banal |
halcyon | calm and peaceful; serene |
hallowed | holy; consecrated; revered |
harangue | to deliver a pompous speech or tirade; hassle |
harbinger | something that signals what is to come; forerunner |
harrow | to distress; to cause agony to; torment |
hedonism | devotion to pleasurable pursuits, especially to the pleasures of the senses; debauchery, indulgence |
hegemony | the consistent dominance of one state or ideology over others; predominance, leadership |