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K.1 Wortschatz 1
Chapter 1 Vocab 1
Question | Answer |
arbeiten | to work |
fliegen | to fly |
fragen | to ask |
gehen | to go; to walk |
kommen | to come |
machen | to make |
regnen | to rain |
scheinen | to shine; to seem |
sein | to be |
spielen | to play |
wohnen | to live; to dwell |
der Abend, -e | evening |
heute Abend | this evening, tonight |
der Herr, -en | gentleman |
der Morgen, - | morning |
der September | September |
der Tag, -e | day |
das Büro, -s | office |
das Kind, -er | child |
das Wetter | weather |
Wien | Vienna |
die Frau, -en | woman; wife |
die Mensa | university cafeteria |
die Sonne | sun |
die Straße, -n | street, road |
die Suppe, -n | soup |
auch | also, too |
dann | then |
draußen | outside |
endlich | finally |
gut | good; well |
hier | here |
natürlich | natural(ly); of course |
schön | beautiful(ly) |
sehr | very |
typisch | typical(ly) |
vielleicht | maybe, perhaps |
wieder | again |
aber | but |
also | well |
bis | until; by |
danke | thanks |
für | for |
in | in |
ja | yes; also |
nach | to (with cities and countries) |
nein | no |
nicht | not |
übrigens | by the way |
um | at (with expressions of time) |
und | and |
und so weiter (usw.) | and so forth; etc. |
viel | much, a lot |
wann? | when? |
warum? | why? |
wie | how; like, as |
zu | to (with people); too (as in “too much) |
züruck | back |
wunderschön | sehr schön (very beautiful!) |
am Mittwoch (Donnerstag usw.) | on Wednesday (Thursday, etc.) |
Entschuldigung | Pardon me! Excuse me! |
Gute Reise! | (Have a) good trip! |
im Moment | at the moment |
in Eile | in a hurry |
Wie geht’s? / Wie geht es Ihnen? | How’s it going? How are you? |
gut vs. schlecht | good vs. bad |
hier vs. da | here vs. there |
schön vs. hässlich | beautiful vs. ugly |
der Tag vs. die Nacht | day vs. night |
viel vs. wenig | much, a lot vs. not much, little |