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Sp2 U6 La tormenta

el acontecimiento event
la amenaza threat
la avalancha avalanche
la búsqueda search
el cazatormentas storm chaser
el herido injured person
el incendio fire
la inundación flood
las noticias news
la población population
la sequia drought
el terremoto earthquake
la tormenta storm
la tierra land
caer to fall
construir to build
derrumbar to demolish
perseguir to chase
quemar to burn
sacudir to shake
el agua potable drinkable water
seguro safe
vivo alive
el bosque forest
la contaminación pollution
el desastre disaster
el huracán hurricane
el locutor announcer
el océano ocean
el papel higiénico toilet paper
el peligro danger
el reportero reporter
el suministro supply
el tsunami tsunami
alejarse to move away
apagar to put out (fire)
encender to light (a match)
olvidar to forget
proteger to protect
salvar to save
rescatar to rescue
asustado scared
mojado wet
seco dry
sorprendido surprised
el derrumbe landslide
llover (o-ue) rain
nevar (e-ie) to snow
la lluvia the rain
la nieva the snow
la Tierra the Earth
Created by: joy_roller
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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

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