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PINK ROK Vocabulary

ROK vocabulary techniques game

ABC order categorizing words by letter of the alphabet;Ex: apple, boat, cart, door
-able suffix meaning: able to be; can be; example: understandable
Acronym formed with the capital initial letters from all or some words in the name; Example: NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration; UFO Unidentified Flying Object
Action Verb a “doing” verb; Ex: walking, talk, sing, threw, builds, mashing, create
Adjacent Vowel vowels that are right next to one another in a given word; Examples: need, meat, brain, house
Adjective a part of speech: words that modify or give more information about a noun or pronoun; Examples: big, funny, warm, green, tired
Adverb a part of speech: words that modify or give more information about a verb and an adjective Examples: happily, far, safely, well, fast
anti- Prefix meaning: against, opposite, or opposed to
Antonym A word having the opposite meaning of another word. Example: go - stop
Base/Root Word A word to which prefixes and suffixes may be added to create related words
bi- prefix meaning: two
centi- prefix meaning: 100
Closed Syllables The vowel is followed by a consonant. The vowel is “closed in” by the consonant. Examples: cap, sit, men, den-tist, kit-ten
Compound Word a word made from two or more words (can be connected or joined by a hyphen). Examples: houseboat, backyard, sandbox airport, mailbox
Consonant the letters of the alphabet that are not vowels Examples: cdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz
Context Clues The hints provided in text, which lead the reader to determine meanings of words.
Contraction A shortened form of a word or group of words, with the missing letters marked by an apostrophe. Examples: I’m = I am; They’re = They are; We’re = We are; Shouldn’t = Should not
de- prefix meaning: do or make the opposite of; reverse; remove from
Digraph A pair of letters that make a single speech sound. Examples: gh – ghost; th – three; ph – pheasant; oo - foot
dis- prefix meaning: not; do the opposite of; apart or away
Double Consonant a word with two consonants next to one another; Examples: fall or tripped
en- prefix meaning: bring into or on; example: enforce, enable
-er 1. A suffix that, when added to a verb, changes to a noun, describing the doer of the verb. OR 2. A suffix that when added to a word shows comparison.
ex- prefix meaning: out, away; example: exchange, exclude
-ful Suffix meaning: full of; example: helpful
gh sound Sounds heard in words like these: 1. sounds like f: rough, tough; 2. sounds like the hard g: ghost; 3. sound is silenced: through, height
Greek/Latin Roots A word part that contains the core meaning of the word, but it cannot stand alone. Many, many English words can be traced back to these word parts.
Hard sound “G” Sounds like g in these words: go, goat, tag, big, guest, grab
Homophone Words that are pronounced the same but have different meanings; they may or may not be spelled the same way. The words may be spelled the same, such as: bear (animal) and bear (endure), or differently, such as there, their, and they’re
Homograph Words that are spelled the same way, but have different meanings and may be pronounced differently
-ible suffix meaning: able to, word becomes an adjective when added
-iest or -est suffix added to show a superlative comparison implying that something is the best or worst, or greatest or least
il- prefix meaning: not; example: il + legal = illegal
im- prefix meaning: not; example impossible
in- prefix with two meanings: not, on/in; example: input, incomplete
Infer to make a conclusion based on facts and background
intra- prefix meaning: within; example: intrastate (within a single state)
irregular not regular, different from usual rules
inter- prefix meaning: between; example: interstate (connecting two or more states)
-less suffix meaning: without; example: meaningless, painless
Long vowel sounds Vowels that make the sound of the vowel name Examples: long a – bake; long e – economy; long i – ride; long o – note; long u - flute
Lowercase letters letters that are not capitalized; Example: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
mis- prefix meaning: badly or wrongly; example: misspell
multisyllabic a word with more than one syllable
non- prefix meaning: not; example: nonfat
Noun part of speech: a person, place, thing, or idea
“oi” sound sound made in words like: oil - boil - soil poison - toy
Opposite the reverse of something; Examples: wet - dry; go - stop
out- prefix meaning: more, to a greater degree; example: outrage
-phobia suffix meaning: intense fear of a certain thing; example: hydraphobia
pre- prefix meaning: before; example: preview, pretest
Prefix a syllable or syllables placed at the beginning of another word to change its meaning; Example: dis + able = disable; re + view = review
Preposition A part of speech: one of many words that show the relationship between a noun and a pronoun and another word; Example: The squirrel is on the box.
r-controlled When a vowel is followed by an r, it makes a special sound called the r- controlled sound. Examples: /ar/ sound as in car, guitar, Arthur /âr/ sound as in care, bear, mare, scare, aquarium
re- prefix meaning: again; example, regain, revisit
rhyme words that have the same end sounds; Examples: while - style; shoe - glue; nose - grows; pants - France
Root word word with no prefix or suffix added; may also be referred to as a base word; Example: scop = see, examine The telescope helped me see the moon.
Semantics the study of meaning; in language, it studies the meanings of words, phrases, sentences and texts
Short vowels The following are examples of this type of vowel sound: bat, set, sit, sod, put
Suffix A word part added to end of a base word to change its form or its meaning. Examples: baker - friendliest
Superlative Used to compare nouns; Examples: Old, Older, Oldest; Lowest, biggest, smallest, most
Syllable a single uninterrupted sound found in a word
Synonyms words meaning the same or nearly the same thing; Examples: couch - sofa; brief - short
Syntax the way words are put together in a sentence to make meaning
tri- prefix meaning: three
un- prefix meaning: not or to reverse; example: undo, untie
Uppercase CAPITAL letters of the alphabet; Examples: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ
VCCV rule Vowel, Consonant, Consonant, Vowel: blanket - pretzel
Vowels Aa, Ee, Ii, Oo, Uu - not consonants
Word Family a group of words sharing a common phonic element or sound; Examples: sink, brink, link; shut, shout, ship
-y suffix meaning: having the quality of the word it is added to
Created by: brammerkm
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