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Radioactivity, allotropes and isotopes

What are Isotopes? Isotopes are different atoms of the same element that have the same number of protons and electrons but different numbers of neutrons.
What is Isotopy? The occurrence of atoms of the same element that have the same number of protons and electrons but different numbers of neutrons.
Isotopes have the same chemical and electrical properties because they have the same number and arrangement of electrons.
Isotopes have slightly different Physical properties because of the different numbers of neutrons.
What is Abundance ? The percentage of each isotope of an element in a sample of the element.
What is Relative atomic mass (Ar) ? The average mass of one atom of an element compared to one-twelfth the mass of an atom of carbon-12.
Radioactive isotope.... has an unstable nucleus which decays spontaneously to a more stable form by emitting particles and radiation.
What is meant by Half-life ? The time taken for half of the nuclei in a sample of a radioactive isotope to undergo radioactive decay.
What are the 3 main types of particles/radiation emitted by radioactive isotopes? Alpha, beta and gamma particles
Describe alpha particles They consist of 2 protons, 2 neutrons and have a charge of +2
Describe beta particles They consist of an electron and have a charge of -1
Describe gamma radiation A form of high energy electromagnetic radiation and has neither mass nor charge.
Used to determine the age of plant and animal remains Carbon-14
Used to treat thyroid cancer Iodine-131
Used to treat breast, prostate and brain tumors iridium 192, palladium-103, iodine-125
Used to produce images and carry out functional studies on vital organs of the body technetium-99
Used to generate electricity in nuclear power stations uranium-235, plutonium-239
Used as batteries in heart pacemakers plutonium-238
What is nuclear fission? When the unstable nucleus splits, usually into two smaller nuclei
Nuclear fusion is .... Two lighter nuclei fused together to form a heavier nucleus
W hat are Allotropes ? Different structural forms of the same element in the same physical state.
What is meant by Allotropy ? The existence of different structural forms of the same element in the same physical state.
Allotropes have the same chemical properties since they are comprised of the same element
Allotropes have different physical properties because their atoms are bonded differently.
Name the four different solid structures/lattices. Ionic, metallic , simple molecular, giant molecular
What are ionic crystals? They are comprised of an ionic lattice in which the cations and anions are held together in a regular, repeating arrangement by strong ionic bonds.
What is a Metallic lattice/metal? These are strong electrostatic forces of attraction arise forming metallic bonds between the metal cations and the sea of mobile, delocalized electrons surrounding them.
Simple molecular crystals are composed of? Small molecules arranged in a regular, 3D way . Weak intermolecular forces between molecules hold them together.
Giant molecular crystals are composed of? Non-metal atoms bonded by covalent bonds in a regular, 3D arrangement. Diamond and graphite are the two giant molecular crystals we study here.
Differentiate between ionic crystals and simple molecular crystals in terms of melting point. Ionic - HIGH melting point Simple molecular - LOW melting point
Differentiate between ionic crystals and simple molecular crystals in terms of solubility. Ionic - most dissolve in polar solvents (e.g. water) Simple molecular - most dissolve in non-polar solvents (e.g. benzene)
Differentiate between ionic crystals and simple molecular crystals in terms of electrical conductivity. Ionic - conduct electricity when molten or dissolved in water Simple molecular - DO NOT conduct electricity
When do metals conduct electricity? When solid and when molten (ie. In all states since there are mobile electrons present)
List 3 characteristics of diamond. 1) Hard 2) High melting point 3) Does not conduct electricity
List 3 characteristics of graphite. 1) Soft and lubricating 2) Has high melting point 3) Does NOT conduct electricity
Popular Chemistry sets




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