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practice exam

prometric practice exam 2

A resident is choking. The first response by the nurse aide should be to Begin abdominal thrusts
A nurse aide is assigned to a resident with Alzheimer's disease. The nurse aide notices that today the resident is restless and is pacing allot. The resident is also observed rubbing his stomach. The nurse aide should report this change to the nurse and Check if the resident is hungry or needs to go to the bathroom
The first step the nurse aide should take when discovering a fire is to Remove any residents near the fire
A resident says, "I'm not going to eat this food. It is poisoned." What is the best response by the nurse aide? Ask if there is something else the resident would like to eat
Which of the following describes a residents concern that needs to be reported to the charge nurse immediately? A resident who has always been oriented is suddenly scared and confused
Why should residents who are unable to change their own positions, have their positions changed by staff at least every two hours? Promote circulation at pressure points
What is the main purpose of a restorative care plan? Help the resident improve his/her level of functioning
When providing foot care, the nurse aide observes an open sore on the residents foot. The nurse aide should Report the skin opening to the charge nurse as soon as possible
The care plan requires that the resident be ambulated 100 feet twice a day at 10 am and 2 pm. When the nurse aide arrives to walk the resident at 10 am, the resident refuses. Which of the following is the best response by the nurse aide? Would you prefer to walk a little later?
The nurse aide can help the resident have regular bowel movements by Providing a routine time for the resident to toilet
A nurse aide who is new to the unit, observes two residents go into a room and close the door. The nurse aide suspects that the two residents are going to have sex. What should the nurse aide do? Report the residents behavior to the charge nurse
Which member of the healthcare team counsels residents and their families and arranges for needed services? Social worker
Why is it important to check the feet of a resident with diabetes at least once a day? To look for sores on the feet the resident may not feel
To help prevent burns to residents during meals, the nurse aide should Let residents know which food and beverages are hot
The nurse aide notices that a resident with dementia keeps walking over to the piano, pausing there, touching the piano, and then walking way only to return again. Which of the following is the best action for the nurse aide to take? Invite the resident to sit down at the piano with the nurse aide
The nurse aide notices that a resident with dementia is walking with a limp on the right foot. The nurse aides first response should be to Remove the residents shoe and inspect the foot
The heart is an important muscle for which body system? Circulatory
A resident has returned from the hospital after a hip replacement. The nurse aide should expect that the resident will be Going to physical therapy to increase mobility
Which of the following is the best example for using reality orientation for a resident with early dementia? Look at the time. Lunch is in 30 minutes. Are you feeling hungry?
A nurse aide is assisting a resident at mealtime. The resident grabs his throat and cannot speak. What should the nurse aide do first? Reach around from behind the resident to provide abdominal thrusts
Which of the following is considered a normal age-related change seen in elderly residents? Decrease in taste sensation and smell
If a resident is lying in bed vomiting, why does the nurse aide need to help the resident to turn onto the residents side quickly? To help prevent aspiration
The use of physical restraint helps Protect the resident from injury
A resident has an indwelling urinary catheter. Which of the following is part of the catheter care procedure performed by the nurse aide? Clean the catheter, starting at the meatus and moving downward
While helping the resident to get dressed, the nurse aide observes that the residents breathing is faster. The resident says she feels tired. What should be the nurse aides first action? Stop the dressing to let the resident rest
A resident must have assistance to walk. When leaving the resident in the residents room, What must the nurse aide do before leaving the room? Place the call light where the resident can reach it
According to Standard Precautions, the nurse aide should wear gloves for which of the following procedures? Removing soiled linen from the bed
Which foods are found on a high protein diet? Meat and eggs
A resident whose husband died a few years ago, says, "I have got to go get dinner started. My husband will be home from work soon." What is the best way for the nurse aide to respond? Ask the resident about her husbands favorite dinners
When feeding a resident, the nurse aide notices that the resident keeps coughing after each drink of fluids. What is the appropriate response by the nurse aide? Stop the feeding and report the coughing to the charge nurse right away
When going to take routine vital signs, the nurse aide discovers that a minister is praying with the resident. The nurse aide should Wait to take vital signs after the minister has left
Which statement is true about the effects of aging? Joints tend to be less flexible as a person ages
A person who is Roman Catholic is dying. The resident comments that she has not been to confession and she worries that she will die in a state of sin. Which of the following is the best response by the nurse aide? Would you like it arranged for a priest to come visit you?
When a resident has an indwelling urinary catheter, the nurse aide should expect that the residents care plan will include Keeping the area where the catheter enters the body clean
Which of the following is the nurse aide most likely to observe in a resident who has a low blood sugar? Shakiness and trembeling
A nurse aide hears another staff member yelling and cursing at a resident. This is an example of Resident abuse
Which of the following is the most appropriate schedule for residents who are incontinent to receive perineal care? Whenever the resident is soiled with urine or stool
To help prevent residents who are confused from accidently leaving the nursing home, the nursing home may Place large stop signs on doors
When a person is receiving end-of-life care, the residents care plan is likely to include Ways to best provide for the comfort of the resident
When feeding a resident who is lying in bed, the head of the bed is raised to Decrease the risk of aspiration
A residents care plan provides the nurse aide with information about Specific care required for the resident and the goals of care
A resident usually responds to the nurse aides greetings, but this morning the resident seems to be having trouble waking up. The resident is not talking but is breathing and warm. The nurse aides next action should be to Call for the charge nurse immediately
The goal when removing gloves that are soiled is to Avoid contact with the outside of the gloves
After reporting the observation of a red area on the residents hip, the nurse aide should expect that the Resident should positioned to avoid pressure on that area
Sundowning is a term used to describe when residents Become restless and agitated late in the day
While watching the resident in the dining room, a nurse aide notices that a resident is eating very little lunch. It is most important that the nurse aide Ask if the resident would like something else to eat
Which of the following is a right of nursing home residents? To make decisions about their care and treatment
A resident is scheduled for a morning shower but is refusing to take one. The best response by the nurse aide is to Ask if the resident has another preference for bathing today
Which of the following should be reported to the charge nurse immediately? A residents complaint of chest pain
A resident tells the nurse aide about being bored. The resident says. "My days seem to last forever," What should the nurse aide do? Ask about activities the resident has enjoyed in the past
A nurse aide enters a room just as the residents wife slaps the resident. The resident does not seem upset or hurt. What should the nurse aide do? Report the observation to the charge nurse immediately
While bathing a resident who is comatose, the nurse aide notices a reddened area on the left hip. Once reported, the charge nurse is likely to request that the nurse aide Keep the resident positioned to avoid pressure on the hip
A charge nurse asks a nurse aide to perform a task that is not part of the nurse aides scope of practice. What should the nurse aide do? Refuse to perform the task and explain that it is not within the nurse aides role
A resident is NPO because of nausea. What should the nurse aide do? Remove any fluids at the bedside including the water pitcher
A resident is admitted to the nursing home for rehabilitation after a stroke. The plan is for the resident to stay only a short time, before returning home. Which of the following shows the best support of the residents needs? Help the resident focus on even small accomplishments
When a resident is unable to stand, the residents height is generally obtained by Taking the measurement from head to heals while the resident is flat in bed
While eating lunch, hot tea splashes on a residents hand. The nurse aides first response should be to Wet towel or napkin with cool water and place against the injured area
When a resident is not able to stand, the residents height is usually measured by Taking the measurement from head to heals while the resident is flat in bed
Which of the following is an observation often seen when a resident is impacted? Liquid feces seeping out of the anus
Before helping a resident to stand who has been lying in bed, the nurse aide needs to Allow time for resident to adjust to sitting at the edge of the bed
A resident tells the nurse aide that she has pain down her arms and into the jaw and that she feels nauseated. The nurse aide observes that the resident appears pale and is sweating. The nurse aide should Recognize the seriousness of the signs and observations and report immediately
Which of the following actions helps to prevent skin tears? Dressing the resident in long sleeves
When preparing to shower a resident, what should the nurse aide do next after checking the water temperature? Ask the resident to check the water temperature
A resident who must stay in bed is at risk for developing Footdrop
A nurse aide is asked to provide post-mortem care to a resident who died of natural causes. Which of the following is the most appropriate practice to follow when providing post-mortem care? Wash hands and wear gloves throughout the care
Residents are most likely to feel the urge to have a bowel movement After eating a meal
The nurse aide receives resident assignments from the charge nurse at the beginning of the shift. When planning priorities it will be most important for the nurse aide to Check all assigned residents to see if anyone has immediate needs
The normal appearance of urine is Clear
A resident has a contracture of the right arm. When putting on the residents button-front shirt, the nurse aide should Put the shirt sleeve on the right arm first then the left arm
Which of the following is generally experienced by a resident with low blood sugar? Weakness
A residents hands shake when trying to drink liquids, causing the liquids to spill. What is the best response by the nurse aide? Suggest that the resident might do well with a cup with a lid
The nurse aide is taking routine vital signs on a resident. The residents temperature is 101.4 Fahrenheit. The most appropriate response by the nurse aide is to Report the temperature promptly
A nurse aide hears the charge nurse scream at a resident. The nurse aide goes to the resident to provide immediate protection of the resident. The nurse aide should also Report the situation to the charge nurses supervisor
A resident, who is usually alert and oriented, is having difficulty remembering where he is today. What should the nurse aide do first? Report the change to the charge nurse
When giving perineal care to a male resident who is uncircumcised, the nurse aide should Push the foreskin back to clean
Created by: Villaneday



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