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4B Vocab Test Units

aberration (n) something different; a departure from the usual course
candor (n) honesty; frankness; openness
dearth (n) a scarcity; too small a supply of something
herculean (adj) extremely demanding or difficult
ludicrous (adj) laughable; amusingly absurd
retrospect (n) a survey of things that happened in the past
derma (Greek) skin
extant (adj) still in existence; not extinct or destroyed
deduce (v) to infer by reasoning; to conclude from known facts
configuration (n) the composition of parts or elements of something; a shape
chicanery (n) the use of clever talk or trickery to deceive or evade
captivate (v) to catch the attention of; to charm
augury (n) the practice of foretelling the future from signs; an omen
pedis (Latin) foot/feet
ego (Latin) I
foible (n) a minor weakness or fault; a shortcoming
civility (n) politeness; courtesy; a polite action
proponent (n) a person who supports a cause or idea; an advocate
exhilaration (n) invigoration; excitement
genos (Greek) race, kind, descend.= general, generation, genealogy
connoisseur (n) someone who is an expert in some field, especially in art
gregarious (adj) friendly; outgoing; sociable
obsequious (adj) too ready to please, praise, or obey
patrimony (n) an inheritance from one’s father or ancestor
capit/capt (Greek) head, leader
precocious (adj) smart; advanced for one’s age
indulgent (adj) to be overly generous; very lenient; making allowances
ora, os, oro (Latin) speech, prayer, mouth
capitulate (v) to give in; to surrender on certain terms
guffaw (n) a loud or coarse burst of laughter (v) to laugh loudly or coarsely
effusion (n) showing great emotion; a pouring forth; an unrestrained expression of feeling
vor/vour (Latin) eat, consume
incarcerate (v) to imprison; to confine
querulous (adj) complaining; fault finding
propitious (adj) favorable; favorably inclined
magnanimous (adj) noble and unselfish; generous in forgiving
credo (Latin) believe; trust
theos (Latin) God; gods
ratio (Latin) computation; reason
Created by: Mrs. Washok
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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