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Worldly Wise 3
IMS Worldly wise
Term | Definition |
amenable | Willing to be persuaded or to submit to direction or authority: The union was amenable to a proposal for wage increase. Syn: pliable, tractable Ant: uncooperative |
amiable | Likeable, friendly, pleasant ... The bluff and amiable manner of the successful American man. Syn: affable Ant: ill-natured, surly |
amicable | Characterized by goodwill or friendship Both parties reached an amicable settlement to the dispute. Usage: Amicable is normally used to describe a person. Syn: peaceable, well-intentioned Ant: unfriendly, hostile |
amnesty | 1] A warrant granting release from punishment for an offense. 2] The formal act of liberating someone Syn: absolution, pardon Ant: sentencing |
amorphous | Having no clear shape, structure, or boundaries: A large and amorphous department. Syn: nebulous, unformed, vague Ant: defined, distinct |
amplitude | 1] Breadth or width: To Imran’s yorkers, Vishy unleashed the full amplitude of his strokes. 2] Abundance Syn: gamut, range, scale, |
anachronism | 1] Something located at a time when it could not have existed or occurred. 2] An artifact that belongs to another time |
analogy | A comparison or similarity between two things that are alike in some way. He drew an analogy between his mother and God, watching over everything. Syn: comparision, parallel Ant: difference |
anchorite | A person who lives alone, apart from society, for religious meditation; a hermit; a recluse Syn: ascetic, monk Ant: sybarite |
angst | An anxious, often neurotic feeling, caused by worrying about the state of the world: She was full of uncertainty and angst that reflected in her writings. Syn: anxiety |
anomalous | Deviating from the ordinary rule or condition, or from what would normally be expected; unusual: The incorruptible politician was an anomalous person in the depraved system. Syn: aberrant, abnormal, atypical Ant: normal, usual, typical |
antagonistic | Being hostile; acting in opposition. Syn: hostile, antipathy, enmity, opponent Ant: pacific, concord, cooperation |
antipathy | A feeling of intense dislike Syn: animus, aversion Ant: affection, liking |
antithesis | 1] The direct opposite; a strong contrast: Pleasure is the antithesis of pain. 2] Opposition, contrast: the antithesis of cold and hot. Syn: reverse, contrary Ant: agreement, accord |
apathy | 1] Lack of emotion: the apathy of a depressed person. 2] Lack of interest; indifference: the apathy toward religion in modern times Syn: insensibility, unconcern, coolness, neutrality Ant: feeling, excitement |
aphorism | A short and clever or witty sentence which expresses a general truth. ... The proper study of mankind is man. Syn: maxim, adage, apothegm |
aplomb | Assurance, self-confidence: She acted with aplomb in the most difficult social situations. Syn: poise, self-possession, calmness, surety Ant: confusion, doubt, discomposure, embarrassment |
apocalyptic | Of, like, or having to do with a revelation: a sermon with almost apocalyptic overtones. Syn: prophetic, revelatory |
apocryphal | Having little or no authencity: He told an apocryphal story about lassoing a grizzly bear. Syn: questionable, spurious, dubious Ant: authentic, genuine, reliable |
apostasy | Desertion of one's faith, religion, party, principles, etc. "the execution of their leader for apostasy brought widespread criticism" |
apposite | Strikingly appropriate; apt. An apposite remark. Syn: apt, pertinent Ant: unsuitable |
apprise | To notify, as of some event: to be apprised of a friend’s engagement. Syn: inform, tell, advise |
arable | Capable of being plowed or cultivated: Rocky soil is usually not arable. |
arbitrary | 1] Based merely on one’s own opinion, judgment, prejudice, etc 2] Bound by no law or rules: an arbitrary dictator. Syn: 1] capricious, 2] absolute, despotic. Ant: 1] reasonable, 2] restricted, limited |
arcane | Secret; hidden Syn: mysterious, obscure, esoteric Ant: commonplace, familiar |