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GRE Vocabularie D

abeyance temporary suspension; a state of not happening or being used at present
accretion the process of growth by increase, gradually
accrue to receive in regular or increasing amounts over time
agile able to move quickly and easily; able to think quickly and clearly; used for describing ways of planning and doing work in which it is understood that making changes as they are needed is an important part of the job
ale A malt beverage, darker, heavier and more bitter than beer.
alleviate to make more bearable, easier
alloy a metal that is made by mixing two or more metals, or a metal and another substance; to spoil something or reduce it in value
apprehensive fearful about the future; feeling worried about something that you are going to do or that is going to happen
approbation approval or agreement often given by an official group
arcane secret, only known by few people
ardor enthusiasm, passion, a transitory warmth of feeling
arduous requiring effort; difficult, needing a lot of energy
atonement reparation for an ofense or injury. In religion: the reconciliation of God and humanking through Christ
auspicious promising success, suggesting a positive and successful future;
austere without excess or decoration; severe and unfriendly in manner; very simple, with only what is absolutely necessary
avow to declare something openly
barrage the action of continuously firing large guns to protect soldiers advancing on an enemy; a great number of complaints, criticisms, or questions suddenly directed at someone; a structure that is built across a river to provide water for farming, to produce
bask to lie or sit enjoying the warmth especially of the sun
benefactor someone who gives money to help an organization, society, or person
bigot a person who has strong, unreasonable beliefs and who does not like other people who have different beliefs or a different way of life
brittle delicate and easily broken; unking and unpleasant
burgeon to develop or grow quickly
cantankerous arguing and complaining a lot; annoyed and tending to argue and complain
castigation act of criticizing someone or something severely
centurion an officer in the army of ancient Rome who was responsible for 100 soldiers
chastisement a severe criticism or punishment
chisel a tool with a long metal blade that has a sharp edge for cutting wood, stone, etc.; to use a chisel
clinch to finally get or win something; to make someone decide what to do after a lot of thought or discussion; the position two people are in when they are holding each other tightly in their arms, when fighting or showing love
clot an almost solid piece of something; a stupid person; to form clots; a lump; to become thicker and more solid, or to cause a liquid to do this
coda a piece of music at the end of a longer pidce of music, usually separate from the basic structure; the final or extra part of a speech, event, or piece of writing; the end of a syllable
coerce Persuade by force or threat
cognizant understanding or realizing something
colloquial (of words and expressions) informal and more suitable for use in speech than in writing
commemorate to remember officially and five respect to a great person or event, especially by a pubic ceremony or by making a statue or special building
congeal to change from a liquid or soft state to a thick or solid state
connotation a feeling or idea that is suggested by a particular word although it need not be a part of the word's meaning, or something suggested by an object or situation
consume to use fuel, energy, or time, especially in large amounts; to eat or drink, especially a lot of something; (be consumed by sth) = to have so much of a feeling that it affects everything you do
consummate perfect, or complete in every way; to make a marriage or romantic relationship complete by having sex; to make something complete or perfect
contentious causing, involving, or likely to cause disagreement and argument
contrite feeling very sorry and guilty for something bad that you have done
cornucopia a large amount or supply of something
crease a line on cloth or paper where it has been folded or crushed; a line drawn on the ground where the player stands to hit the ball in cricket
curmudgeon an old person who is often in a bad mood
decree an official statement that something must happen; to officially decide or order that something must happen
defer to delay something until a later time
deplete to reduce something in size or amount, especially supplies of energy, money
dereliction a failure to do what you should do; especially of a building, a state of not being cared for
derogatory showing strong disapproval and not showing respect
deviance the quality of not being usual, and of being generaly considered to be unacceptable
diatribe an angry speech or piece of writing that severely criticizes something or someone
dilettante a person who is or seems to be interested in a subject, but whose understanding of it is not very deep or serious
disrobe to remove your clothes, especially an outer or formal piece of clothing worn for ceremonies
dissolution the act or process of ending an official organization or legal agreement
divulge to make something secret known
dogmatic Certain that you are right and that everyone else is wrong; (of a person or a group) strongly expressing your beliefs as if they were facts
doleful very sad
dubious thought not to be completely true or not able to be trusted; feeling doubt or not feeling certain
duplicity Dishonest talk or behaviour, especially by saying different things to two people.
earthenware made of quite rough clay, often shaped with the hands; plates, bowls, cups, that are made of rough clay
efficacy the ability, especially of a medicine or a method of achieving something, to produce the intended result; the quality of being effective
effluvia an unpleasant or harmful odor, secretion, or discharge
embezzle to secretly take money that is in your care or that belongs to an organization or business you work for
emote to show emotion in a way that makes it very clear what you are feeling
endearing making someone like you; easily able to make people like you
endorse to make a public statement of your approval or support for something or someone; to appear in an advertisement, saying that you use and like a particular product, to write something in order to give permission for something, especially your name on the ba
engrave to cut words, pictures, or patterns into the surface of metal, stone; if something is engraved, it is something you will never forget
entice to persuade someone to do something by offering them something pleasant
epicurean getting pleasure from food and drink of high quality
equilibrium a state of balance; a calm mental state; the state in which the reactants and products do not change because the rate of forward reaction is equal to the rate of reverse reaction
equipoise a situation in which things are perfectly balanced
euthanasia the act of killing someone who is very ill or very old so that they do not suffer any more
evasive answering questions in a way that is not direct or clear, especially because you do not want to give an honest answer; done to avoid something bad happening
exhaustive complete and including everything; detailed and complete
extempore done or said without any preparation or thought
extinct not now existing; (of a volcano) one that is not now active
feckless weak in character and lacking determination
felon a person who is guilty of a serious crime
feral existing in a wild state, especially describing an animal that was previously kept by people
ferment to change into alcohol because of a chemical process; a state of confusion, change, and lack of order or fighting
festoon to decorate a room or other place for a special occasion by hanging coloured paper, lights, or flowers around it, especially in curves; a decorative chain made of coloured paper, flowers, etc. hung in a curve between two points
fetid smelling extremely bad and stale
flaunting to show or make obvious something you are proud of in order to get admiration
flimsy very thin, or easily broken or destroyed; a flimsy argument, excuse is weak and difficult to believe
flinch to make a sudden, small movement because of pain or fear
flop to fall or drop heavily; if a book, lay, fil, etc., flops, it is not successful; a failure
foolproof (of a plan or machine) so simple and easy to understand that it is unable to go wrong or be used wrongly
fringe the outer or less important part of an area, group, or activity; a decorative edge of hanging narrow strips of material or threads on a piece of clothing or material; an area of hair hanging over the forehead that is cut shorter than the rest of the hair
garrulous having the habit of talking a lot, especially about things that are not important
germane ideas or information that is germane to a particular subject or situation is connected with and important to it
gnaw to bite or chew something repeatedly, usually making a hole in it or gradually destroying it; to make you feel worried or uncomfortable
gorge a deep, narrow valley with steep sides, usually formed by a river or stream cutting through hard rock; to eat until you are unable to eat any more; make someone's gorge rise = to make someone feel shocked and angry
heretic someone who has an opinion that is opposite to or against the official or popular opinion; someone who has beliefs that are against the principles of a particular religion
hollow having a hole or empty space inside; a situation, feeling, or word without value, or not true or sincere; of a sound as if made by hitting an
idolatry very great admiration or respect for someone, often too great; the act of praying to a picture or object as part of a religion
imbroglio an unwanted, difficult, and confusing situation, full of trouble and problems
imperative extremely important or urgent; used to describe the form of a verb that is usually used for giving orders
imperious unpleasantly proud and expecting to be obeyed; with an attitude of authority
imperturbable always staying calm and controlled, even in difficult situations that would cause other people to worry
implicit suggested but not communicated directly; complete and without any doubts
impromptu done or said without earlier planning or preparation
incredulous not wanting or not able to believe something, and usually showing this
indistinct not clear
ingenuous honest, sincere, and trusting, sometimes in a way that seems silly
insipid not having a strong taste or character, or having no interest or energy
intersperse to mix one thing in with another in a way that is not regular
introspection examination of and attention to your own ideas, thoughts, and feelings
irresolute not able or willing to take decisions or actions
irrevocable impossible to change
jagged rough and with sharp points
jejune very simple or childish; boring and not interesting
lachrymose sad or likely to cry often and easily
latent present but needing particular conditions to become active, obvious, or completely developed
legacy money or property that you receive from someone after they die; something that is a part of your history or that remains from an earlier time; a situation that has developed as a result of past actions and decisions
lurk to wait or move in a secret way so that you cannot be seen, especially because you are about to attack someone or do something wrong; (of a unpleasant feeling or quality) to exist although is not always noticeable; to spend time in a chat room or on a soc
lustrous very shiny
massacre An act of killing a lot of people; a bad defeat, especially in sport, a competition, or election
maul the act of an animal attacking a person and injuring them with its teet or claws; to criticize something or someone severely
mendicant someone, especially a member of a religious group, who lives by asking people they do not know for money
mephitic especially of a gas or vapor, foul-smelling; noxious
meticulous very careful and with great attention to every detail
molt (of a bird or animal) to lose feathers, skin, or hair as a natural process before a new growth of feathers, skin, or hair
nadir the worst moment, or the moment of least hope and least achievement; the point at which something is at its lowest value or level; the point directly below a particular place
neophyte someone who has recently become involved in an activity and is still learning about it
nihilism a belief that all political and religious organizations are bad, or a system of thought that says that there are no principles or beliefs that have any meaning or can be true
ostracism the action of intentionally not including someone in a social group or activity
overweening being too proud or confident in yourself
paean a song, film, or piece of writing that praises someone or something very enthusiastically
palliate to reduce the bad effects of something; to reduce pain without curing its cause
pedestrian a person who is walking, especially in an area where vehicles go; not interesting, showing very little imagination
penitent showing that you are sorry for something you have done because you feel it was wrong; a person who is performing a formal religious act to show that they are sorry for something they have done wrong
penurious extremely poor
pernicious having a very harmful effect or influence
petrous relating to the very hard section of bone surrounding the inner ear
philanthropist a person who helps the poor, especially by giving them money
pivotal central and important; important because other things depend on it
plaque a flat piece of metal, stone, wood, or plastic with writing on it that is attached to a wall, door, or other object; a substance containing bacteria that forms on the surface of teeth
plummet to fall very quickly and suddenly; to go down in amount or value very quickly and suddenly
presage to show or suggest that something, often something un pleasant, will happen
prevaricate to avoid telling the truth or saying exactly what you think
proclivity the fact that someone likes something or likes to do something, especially something considered morally wrong
proliferate to increase a lot and suddenly in number
prone likely to suffer from an illness or show a particular negative characteristic, lying face down
provisional for the present time but likely to change
prune to cut off branches from a tree, bush, or plant, especially so that it will grow better in the future; to reduce something by removing things that are not necessary; a dried plum
pry to try to find out private facts about a person; to move or lift something by pressing a tool against a fixed point; to get something with much effort
punctilious very careful to behave correctly or to give attention to details
pundit a person who knows a lot about a particular subject and is therefore often asked to give an opinion about it
pungency the quality of having a sharp strong smell or taste; the quality of being spoken or written in a way that has a strong effect
putrefaction the state of decaying
raconteur someone wo tells funny or interesting stories
rapacious having or showing a strong wish to take things for yourself, usually using unfair methods or force
recast to change the form of something, or to change an actor in a play or film
reiterate to say something again, once or several times
rejuvenation the act or process of making someone look or feel young and energetic again; the act or process of making an organization or system more effective by introducing new methods, ideas or people
remonstrate to complain to someone or about something
repudiate to refuse to accept something or someone as true, good, or reasonable; to refuse to accept or obey something or someone; to decide that an agreement is no longer effective; to decide that you will not pay back money that you owe
repulsive extremely unpleasant or unacceptable
ruffian a violent, wild, and unpleasant person, usually a man
sadistic getting pleasure, sometimes sexual, by being cruel to or hurting another person
salvage to save goods from damage or destruction, especially from a ship that has sunk or been damaged or a building that has been damaged by fire or a flood; to try to make a bad situation better
satiate to completely satisfy yourself or a need, especially with food or pleasure, so that you could not have any more
sawdust the dust and small pieces of wood that are produced when you cut wood with a saw
scabbard a long, thin cover for the blade of a sword, usually attached to a belt
scent a pleasant natural smell; a smell produced by an animal that acts as a signal to other animals; a pleasant-smelling liquid that people put on their skin
scorch to (cause to) change color with dry heat, or to burn slightly; (especially of motorcycles and cars) to travel or be driven very fast
secular not having any connection with religion
skiff a small, light boat for rowing or sailing, usually used by only one person
slack not tight, loose; showing little activity, not busy or happening in a positive way; a pair of trousers, that are not part of a suit; very small pieces and dust from coal; to work more slowly and with less effort than usual, or to go more slowly; resources
sluggard a lazy person
soporific causing sleep or making a person want to sleep
splice to join two pieces of rope, fil, etc. together at their ends in order to form one long piece
steeply suddenly or by a large amount; at a sharp angle
stickler a person who thinks that a particular type of behavior is very important, and always follows it or tries to make other people follow it; someone who believes in closely following rules or in mantaining a high standard of behavior
stifled past participle of stifle: to (cause to) be unable to breath because you have no air; to prevent something from happening, being expressed, or continuing
streak a long, thin mark that is easily noticed because it is very different from the area surrounding it; an often unpleasant characteristic that is very different from other characteristics; a short period of good or bad luck; something that happens or is done
strive to try very hard to do something or to make something happen, especially for a long time or against difficulties
suffice to be enough
sullied past participle: to spoil something that is pure or someone's perfect reputation; to make something dirty
supersede to replace something, especially something older or more old-fashioned; if a law, rule, agreement, etc. supersedes another, it replaces it
suppress to end something by force; to prevent something from being seen or expressed or from operating
sycophant someone who praises powerful or rich people in a way that is not sincere, usually in order to get some advantage from them
talon a sharp nail on the foot of a bird that it uses when hunting animals; a form that comes with some types of bond, that can be used to order new coupons
tassel a group of short threads or ropes held together at one end, used as a hanging decoration on hats, curtains, furniture, etc
tepid (of liquid) not very warm
timorous nervous and without much confidence
tortuous with many turns and changes of direction, not direct or simple
transient lasting for only a short time, temporary; someone who lives only temporarily in a place
treacherous if the ground or sea is treacherous, it is extremely dangerous, especially because of bad weather conditions; a person that deceives someone who trusts them, or has no loyalty
trickle if a liquid trickles, it flows slowly and without force in a thin line; to arrive or move somewhere slowly and gradually, in small numbers
tyro a person who is new to an activity
unfeigned genuine, sincere
veer to change direction, normally suddenly
vehemence the forceful expression of strong feelings
verisimilitude the quality of seeming true or of having the appearance of being real
verve great energy and enthusiasm
vigorous very forceful or energetic; healthy and strong
vindictive having or showing a wish to harm someone because you think that they harmed you; unwilling to forgive
voluptuous a voluptuous woman has a soft, curved, sexually atractive body; an experience that gives you a lot of pleasure because it feels extremely soft and comfortable or it sounds or looks extremely beautiful
wanton (of something bad, such as dame, cruelty, waste) extreme and showing no care at all; behaving or appearing in a very sexual way
yarn thread used for making cloth or for knitting; a story, usually a long one with a lot of excitement or interest
Created by: Mariana Mirerend
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