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(Prepositions in context - Some of their possible meanings)

From (I come from Paris; We're open from 9AM to 7PM) De / Desde (Para Origem/Início)
Of (It's made of plastic; It's in the centre of town; The page of the book) De (Para Qualidade, Característica, Pertença)
In (Inside/Within) (I'm in a taxi in London; It's in May) Em/No/Na/Dentro de
At (I'm at the airport; I'm at the reception; I'm at a party; It's at 8 o'clock) Em/No/Na/ Às (para horas) (Para lugares públicos, Ponto exato, Eventos)
On (On top of) (It's on the table; It's on page20; I'm on the bus; It's on Monday) Sobre/Em/No/Na (Para algo que está sobre algo ou à vista; dentro de transportes públicos, dias da semana ou do mês)
About (Let's talk about cars; Think about it; It's about 2 o'clock) Sobre, Acerca, Cerca de
For (This present is for you; I waited for 2 hours. I've lived here for 5 years.) Para; Durante x tempo/Há (em relação a tempo) (Para - Quando alguém beneficia de alguma coisa)
To (To succeed we must work hard; Go to bed; We're going to the beach; Talk to me; I'm always here from 9AM to 6PM.) Para; A/À/Ao; Com (Talk to, Speak to, Married to); Até (para tempo) (Para - para finalidade ou destino)
With (Come with me.) Com
Without (I can't live without you.) Sem
By (It was made/painted by her; I live by the lake; I go to school by bus; By doing that you ruined the cake.) Por; Junto a/Cerca de; De (ex. de carro, de mota); Ao (ao fazer algo de uma dada maneira)
As Como (seguido de oração)
Through (We went through the tunnel. ; Go through the room and turn right.) Através (Atravessando algo)
Before (It's before that. / I'm here before you to talk about my friend Jack.) Antes / Perante
After (I haven't seen again him after that.) Depois
Between (My house is between a hospital and a pharmacy) Entre (entre duas coisas)
Out (Outside) (Stay out of my property.) Fora de
Against (Hands against the wall!) Contra
During (During the war, we moved to Switzerland). Durante uma época
Before (Call me before 9 AM) Antes
Under (The cat is under my bed) Debaixo de
Among/Amongst (He was among the suspects.) Entre, No seio de
Next to (I'll stay here, next to you.) Ao lado de
Behind (She's behind you!) Atrás de
Per (He was driving at the speed of 200 km per hour) Por (Por tempo, hora)
Like (I'm not like you; She looks just like you.) Como (seguido de pessoa/coisa/oração)
Unlike (Unlike you, I have responsabilities.) Ao contrário de
Since (We've been waiting here since 2 o'clock.) Desde (x tempo)
Until (Till) (We'll be here until 6 PM.) Até
In front of (I live in front of you.) Em frente a / À frente de
Than (I'm faster than you.) Do que (para comparações)
Beyond (Beyond the river, there was a small town.) Para lá de
Created by: rapazote
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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