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Med Adm Assistant

Administrative means working in the front office of a healthcare provider
Clinical Clinical tasks happen in the back office of a healthcare provider
Ambulatory care procedures that don't require patients to stay overnight in a hospital or clinic
Clearly speak in a loud enough voice that patients can hear you and speak slowly enough for them to understand you
Appropriately speak politely and formally
Nonverbal communication maintaining eye contact and using appropriate body language
Empathy to consider the patient's welfare and to be kind
Integrity behave in honorable ways even when no one is watching
Professional integrity demonstrating sound moral and ethical principles at work
ethics system of values each individual has that determines that person's perception of right and wrong
Dependability being a team player, being punctual, and limiting absences from work
Flexibility able to solve problems and develop alternative action plans
Initiative notice work that needs to be done, and you take action to complete those tasks without being told to do them
Accountability willing to accept responsibility
Thirst for Knowledge desire to continually learn and grow
What is the definition of ethics? A system of values each individual has that determines perceptions of right or wrong
Accreditation Meeting appropriate standards
Licensure It is mandatory and legislated by states
Medical assistants possess a skill set that is appropriate for which settings? Provider clinics;Urgent care clinics;Insurance companies;Hospitals
Benefits of a medical assistant practicum or externship include? Obtaining references for future employment and improving performance and knowledge
Which statement is true? a) Medical assisting is a licensed profession b) MAs must obtain an Associate's degree c) MAs are governed by state laws d) MAs have mandatory certification e) MAs can perform any procedures that nurses can
Which statement is true regarding the AAMA (American Association of Medical Assistants) a) Provides certification for RMAs b) Was the first national organization for medical assisting c) Defined the occupation of MA d) Both b and c
What are the attributes of the professional medical assistant? Communication skills; Integrity; Empathy; Initiative
Where are the majority of Medical Assistants employed? Ambulatory Care settings
Which term best describes a health maintenance organization? Managed care operation
With its emphasis on controlling costs, what will managed care likely affect the most? All health care settings
How is the health care team best described? It includes physicians, nurses, allied health care professionals, patients, and integrative medicine practitioners
What statement best identifies integrative health care approaches? It is increasingly accepted as complementary to traditional health care
When a Medical Assistant permitted by law to draw blood for diagnostic laboratory testing performs such a procedure, it is similar to those performed by which practitioner? Phlebotomist
What best describes a "boutique" or "concierge" medical practice? It allows patients special privileges in their health care
When provider expenses and profits are shared, what is the name given to this form of management? Group or partnership
Can a Medical Assistant diagnose and treat ailments in health care? NO
What is an alternative approach to medicine that treats patients using thin, flexible needles called? Acupuncture
Which answer is not true about stress? a) Does not occur suddenly b) Has physical and emotional effects on the body c) May be positive or negative in its effects on the body d) Is the body's response to change
How many stages occur in Hans Selye's General Adaption Syndrome theory? 4 stages
Is burnout a stage in the General Adaptation Syndrome? No
Is feelings of accomplishment and pride in work associated with burnout? No
What are the 4 stages of prolonged stress-burnout? Honeymoon, Reality, Dissatisfaction, Sad State
The GAS theory proposes which order for its stages? Alarm, Fight-or-Flight, Exhaustion, Return-to-Normal
Stressors can be divided into which 3 categories? Frustrations, Conflicts, Pressure
Does the sympathetic nervous system return the body to normal after the stressor has been removed? No
Which factors affect therapeutic communication? Education and life experience
What does encoding mean in the cycle of communication? Creating the message to be sent
What is true of body language? It is used to express feelings and emotions
What is a comfortable social space? 4 to 12 feet
What accurately describes a reassuring cliche? It is a roadblock to communication
Redirecting a socially unacceptable impulse into one that is socially acceptable is an example of what defense mechanism? Sublimation
Which is true of open-ended questions? They usually begin with how, what, or could
What is true of kinesics? It's the study of body language
High-context communication relies on what? Body language, reference to environmental objects, and culturally relevant phraseology
Describe defense mechanism Behaviors used to protect the ego from guilt, anxiety, or loss of esteem
Stage 1 of Grief Denial - defense mechanism that buffers the immediate shock
Stage 2 of Grief Anger - reaction to the intense emotion of the situation
Stage 3 of Grief Bargaining - need to gain control from feelings of helplessness
Stage 4 of Grief Depression - period of sadness and regret
Stage 5 of Grief Acceptance - sense of calm
universal precautions When medical offices assume that all human blood and body fluids are infectious and require appropriate protective measures.
What are the 4 Ds of negligence for a MAA? Duty of Care, Derelict, Direct Cause, and Damage
What is Duty of Care in the 4 Ds of negligence? you as a medical professional must meet a higher standard of care than you would if you had no medical training
What is Derelict in the 4 Ds of negligence? If you fail to meet that standard of care, then a court may find you to be derelict (neglectful of your duties)
What is Direct Cause in the 4 Ds of negligence? your dereliction caused an actual injury
What is Damage in the 4 Ds of negligence? injury came from your negligence and not from some other source
Power of attorney voluntary transfer of decision-making authority from one competent individual to another competent individual
guardianship legal designation of an individual to act on behalf of a minor or incompetent adult
emancipation when a minor is granted decision-making rights and is responsible for his or her own debts
embezzlement stealing money that has been entrusted to you
Advance directive two main purposes: specify treatment preferences and name a healthcare proxy, who is someone you trust to make healthcare decisions for you if you're unable to do so
Treatment what physicians provide for their patients
Payment includes figuring out who is responsible for paying what, which benefits the plan provides (and which ones it excludes), and then securing the reimbursement for the healthcare provided
Operations administrative, financial, legal, and quality improvement activities of a covered entity that are necessary to run its business and to support the core functions of treatment and payment
CC Chief complaint (main reason for office visit)
c/o Complains of
Dx Diagnosis
Fx Fracture
HEENT Head- ears- eyes- nose throat
H&P History & Physical
h/o History of
HPI History of present illness
Hx History
NPO Nothing by mouth (Latin for nil per os )
PE Physical examination
PMH Past medical history
p.r.n. As needed (Latin for pro re nata )
Pt Patient
ROS Review of systems
RTO Return to office
Rx Prescription
SOAP Subjective- Objective- Assessment- Plan (the main sections of a progress note or chart note)
Sx Symptoms- surgery
Tx Treatment- transplant
WNL Within normal limits
Created by: SnS2019



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