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scuba 2020

examples of natural navigation aids divers use during dives include sun brightness (available light)..bottom contours..ripple marks in the sand
atmospheric pressure at sea level is 14.7 pounds per square inch/ 3.o atmospheres absolute
according to the NAUI RGBM tables, after the busy team in NAUI master course completes their two dives the team can dive to 30 fsw for 150 mins after: a minimum of a 1 hour surface interval
the maximum dive time for a dive to 60 fsw on your first dive of the day is 55 min
the absolute pressure in the ocean at 53 ft. deep 2.6 atmospheres absolute
minimum surface intervals required by NAUI- RGBM no calculation sea level tables are: one hour
all dives deeper than 30 ft require a safety stop at ___ for ____ 15 fsw / 3 mins
A buddy team in a NAUI master scuba diver corse makes an ocean dive to 95 ft for 20 mins, after 1 hr and 20 mins surface interval they can make a dive to 65 ft for ____ mins or less 40 mins
your first dive is to 60ft for 40 mins. You spend 1 hour and 40 mins on the surface. what is your maximum depth and bottom Time for the second dive. 45 fsw for 80 mins
if a divers surface air consumption rate is 30 psi per min, what would be his/ her consumption rate at 66ft of sea water. 90 psi per min
if you accidentally exceed your NDL by less than 5 mins, you must conduct a decompression stop at 15 fsw for: 6 mins
a sealed ballon filled with air that has a volume of 6 cubic inches at 99ft will have a volume of ___ at 33ft. 12 cubic inches
according to NAUI which of the following is essential to consider when planning a safe dive one team members acts as the leader, agreement on the activity/ objective, set the course to be followed. discuss contingency plans and emergency procedures.
which is the most effective way to descend while maintaining orientation and attempting equalization of the ears feet first
when making an emergency ascent, a scuba diver should exhale continuously during the ascent periodically attempt to inhale
to render first aid for venomous fish wounds flush the wound to clean, soak in hot water, obtain medical attention
three types of alternative air sources that are in common use today are octopus rigs, completely redundant systems, and integrated regulator into the BCD inflation hose.
which of the following effects visibility water movement, seasons, bottom compositions (all of these)
at a minimum while diving, most dive computers display maximum depth, current depth, actual bottom time, remaining allowable bottom time.
three features that are common to all buoyancy control devices are an overpressure relief valve, inflation/ deflation hose, low pressure inflation hose.
air, the gas most commonly used by recreational scuba divers, is composed of 78% nitrogen / 21% oxygen / trace gasses
continued loss of body heat in cold water will produce insensibility to pain / muscle cramps/ progressive immobility
an irregular breathing pattern (skip breathing) while diving will possibly cause... carbon dioxide excess
which of the following are NAUI- sanctioned specialty corses underwater photography / night diver / underwater ecologist
four main actions you should consider in giving first aid for diving accidents are maintain basic life support/ call for help/ treat for shock/ deliver 100% oxygen
NAUI-RGBM , no calculation sea level tables allow dive three to be repeated until the cumulative time reaches the MDT for dive three true
when rising a regulator it is best to leave the regulator attached to the tank or keep the dust cap in place
a symptom of carbon monoxide poisoning is often headache
the stage of the regulator which reduces tank pressure is the first stage
which of the following causes objects to appear larger and closer when looking through a mask during a dive refraction
three types of alternative air sources that are in common use today air octopus rigs, completely redundant systems, an integrated regulator into the BCD, inflation/ deflation hose
essential features found on all Bcd's are: 1.overpressure relief valve. 2. power inflation mechanism 3. inflation / deflation hose.
diving equipment should be rinsed throughly and stored in a dark, cool, dry place
If you are diving wearing an exposure suit, you should _________to safely control buoyancy as you descend. add air to your buoyancy device
If a diver's surface air consumption rate is 25 psi per minute, what would be the consumption rate at 66 feet of seawater? 75 PSI
Currents which suddenly appear and disappear are transitory
Sea water weighs 64. 0 per cubic foot
Created by: clarevalente



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