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mandas chem. exam


1.) A physical property may be investigated by melting ice
2.) basic research is carried out for the sake of increasing knowledge
3.) applied research is carried out to solve a problem
4.) group _ in the periodic table contains only metals 2
5.) an example of an extensive phusical property color
6.) the most useful ource of chemical information about thwe elements is a periodic table
7.) under ordinary conditions of temperature and pressure, the particles in a gas are very far from each other
8.) based on their location in the periodic table oxygen and selenium have similar proporties
9.) physical means can be used to seperate mixtures
10.) the state of matter in which a material has netiher a definite shape nor a definite volume is the gaseous state
11.) which of the following observation is quantitative? the liquid boils at 100 C
12.) a testable statement used for making predictions and carrying out further experiments is a hypothesis
13.) the symbol for the metric unit used to measure mass is grams
14.) the SI base unit for time is the second
15.) poor precision in scientific measurement may arise from both human error and the limitations of the measuring instrument
16.) the number of significant figures in the measurement 0.000305 kg is 3
17.) the number of significant figures in the measurement 170.040 km is 6
18.) standards are chosen because they are reproducible in another laboratory
19.) the symbol that represents the measured unit for volume is mL
20.) the metric unit for length that is closest to the thickness of a dime is the millimeter
21.) to determine density, the quantities that must be measured are volume and mass
22.) who was the schoolmaster who studied chemistry and proposed an atomic theory john dalton
23.) the smallest unit of an element that can exist alone or in combination with other such particles is an atom
24.) what is the atomis number for aluminum 13
25.) the discovery of the electron resulted from experiment using cathrode rays
26.) what does the 218 in polonium-218 represent the mass number
27.) the half life of an isotope is the time required for half the nuclei in a sample to undergo radioactive decay
28.) which of the following processes always decreases the number of protons by an even number? alpha decay
29.) a nuclear particale that has about the same mass as proton, but with no electrical charge, is called a neutron
30.) for the numbers lass than 0.1, sucha s 0.06, the zeros to the right of the decimal point but before the first nonzero digit show the decimal place of the first digit
31.) the measurement that has been expressed to four significant figures is 30.00mm
32.) an element with 8 electrons in its highest main energy level is a noble gas
33.) the emission of electrons from metals that have absorbed photons is called the photoelectric effect
34.) the region outside the nucleus where an electron can most probably be found is the electron cloud
35.) how many quantum numbers are needed to describe the energy state of an electron in an atom 4
36.) the wave model of light did not explain the photoelectrical effect
37.) the atomic sublevel with the next highest energy after 4p is 5s
38.) because excited hydrogen atoms always produce the same line emission spectrum, scientists concluded that hydrogen released photons of only certain energies
39.) a quantum of electromagnetic energy is called photon
40.) the main energy levels of an atom are indicated by the primcipal quantum numbers
41.) the main energy level that can hold only 2 electrons is the first
42.) one of the wave properties of electromagnetic radiation, such as light, is freqency
43.) for the f sublevel, the number of orbitals is 7
44.) as it travels throguh s[ace, electromagnetic radiaton exhibits wavelike behavior
45.) the total number of orbitals that can exist at the second main energy level is 4
46.) which of the following processes always decreases the number of protons by an even number? alpha decay
47.) a nuclear particale that has about the same mass as proton, but with no electrical charge, is called a neutron
for the numbers lass than 0.1, sucha s 0.06, the zeros to the right of the decimal point but before the first nonzero digit show the decimal place of the first digit
49.) the measurement that has been expressed to four significant figures is 30.00mm
50.) an element with 8 electrons in its highest main energy level is a noble gas
the emission of electrons from metals that have absorbed photons is called the photoelectric effect
the region outside the nucleus where an electron can most probably be found is the electron cloud
53.) how many quantum numbers are needed to describe the energy state of an electron in an atom 4
54.) the wave model of light did not explain the photoelectrical effect
55.) the atomic sublevel with the next highest energy after 4p is 5s
because excited hydrogen atoms always produce the same line emission spectrum, scientists concluded that hydrogen released photons of only certain energies
a quantum of electromagnetic energy is called photon
the main energy levels of an atom are indicated by the primcipal quantum numbers
the main energy level that can hold only 2 electrons is the first
one of the wave properties of electromagnetic radiation, such as light, is freqency
for the f sublevel, the number of orbitals is 7
62.) as it travels throguh s[ace, electromagnetic radiaton exhibits wavelike behavior
the total number of orbitals that can exist at the second main energy level is 4
which of the following processes always decreases the number of protons by an even number? alpha decay
65.) a nuclear particale that has about the same mass as proton, but with no electrical charge, is called a neutron
66.) for the numbers lass than 0.1, sucha s 0.06, the zeros to the right of the decimal point but before the first nonzero digit show the decimal place of the first digit
the measurement that has been expressed to four significant figures is 30.00mm
an element with 8 electrons in its highest main energy level is a noble gas
69.) the emission of electrons from metals that have absorbed photons is called the photoelectric effect
70.) the region outside the nucleus where an electron can most probably be found is the electron cloud
71.) how many quantum numbers are needed to describe the energy state of an electron in an atom 4
the wave model of light did not explain the photoelectrical effect
the atomic sublevel with the next highest energy after 4p is 5s
because excited hydrogen atoms always produce the same line emission spectrum, scientists concluded that hydrogen released photons of only certain energies
a quantum of electromagnetic energy is called photon
the main energy levels of an atom are indicated by the primcipal quantum numbers
77.) the main energy level that can hold only 2 electrons is the first
one of the wave properties of electromagnetic radiation, such as light, is freqency
for the f sublevel, the number of orbitals is 7
as it travels throguh s[ace, electromagnetic radiaton exhibits wavelike behavior
the total number of orbitals that can exist at the second main energy level is 4
Created by: amc28
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