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chemistry exam study guide

study of the composition and stucture of the material and the changes that materials undergo best describes the science of chemistry
the branch of science that includes the study of materials and process that occur in livings is biochemistry
the branch of chemistry that is concerned with the identification and composition of materialsis analytical chemistry
the study of substance containing carbon is organic chemistry
the branch of chemistry concerned withtheproperties, changes, and relationships betwen energy and matteris theoretical chemistry
basic researchis carried out for the sake of increases knowlege
a physical property may be investigated by melting ice
two features that may distinguish matter are mass and volume
an example of an extensive physical property is mass
which of the following is an intensive physical property color
which of the following obervations is quantitative the liquid turns blue litmus paper red
quantitative observation are recorded using numerical infomation
qualitative observation are recorded using non-numerical infomation
the SI standard unit for length and mass are meter and kilometer
the metric unit for length that is closes to the thickness of a dime is the milimeter
the symbol for the metric unit used to measure mass is g
the unit m3 measures volume
the symbol that represents the measure unit for volume mL
the SI base unit for time is the second
a change in the force of earth's gravity on an object will effect its weight
a nuclear partical that has about the same mass as a proton, but with no electricalcharge, is called neutron
gamma rays are elecctromagnetic waves
phosphorus-33 contains 18 neutrons
a nuclear partical that has about the same mass as a proton, but with no electrical charge, is called neutron
the smallest unit of an element that can exsit alone or in combination with other such partcals is an atom
which of the following forms of radiation has the greates penetrating power gamma rays
as the atomic number increases, the number of electrons in an atom increase
what does the 101 in 256/101 Md reprsent the atomic number
who called an "atom" an atom democritus
what is the atomic number of tungsten 74
the distance between to successive peaks on a wave is its wavelenght
an element with 8 electrons from its highest main energy level is a noble gas
the emission of electrons from metals that have absored photons is called photoelectric effect
the region outside the nucleus where an electron can most probably be foud is electron cloud
how many quantum numbers are needed to discribe the energy state of an electronin an atom 4
the wave modle of light did not explain the photoelectric effect
which group are the noble gas 18
what is the total number of electrons needed to fill the first two main energy levels? 10
the atomic sublevel with the next highest energy after 4p is? 5s
the number of orbitals for the d sublevel is 5
To which group do lithium and potassium belong? alkali metals
The discovery of the noble gases changed Mendeleev's periodic table by adding a new group
Elements in a group or column in the periodic table can be expected to have similar properties
Mendeleev predicted that the spaces in he periodic table represented undiscovered elements
Mendeleev attempted to organize the elements based on their properties
In the modern periodic table, elements are orderd according to increasing atomic number
The most useful source of general information about the elements for anyone associated with chemistry is a periodic table
Argon, crypton, and xenon are noble gases
ONe-half the distance between the nuclei of identical atoms are bonded together is called the atomic value
To which group do flourine and chlorine belong? Halogens
The principle that states that the physical and chemical properties of the elemtns are periodic functions of their atomic number is the peridoic law
To which group do lithium and potassium belong? alkali metals
The discovery of the noble gases changed Mendeleev's periodic table by adding a new group
Elements in a group or column in the periodic table can be expected to have similar properties
Mendeleev predicted that the spaces in he periodic table represented undiscovered elements
Mendeleev attempted to organize the elements based on their properties
In the modern periodic table, elements are orderd according to increasing atomic number
The most useful source of general information about the elements for anyone associated with chemistry is a periodic table
Argon, crypton, and xenon are noble gases
ONe-half the distance between the nuclei of identical atoms are bonded together is called the atomic value
To which group do flourine and chlorine belong? Halogens
The principle that states that the physical and chemical properties of the elemtns are periodic functions of their atomic number is the peridoic law
covalent bond results when what is shared electrons
most cemical bonds are partly ionic and partly covalent
an octet is equal to 8
which of the following is not an example of a molecular formula B
if two covalent bonded atoms are identical, the bond non-polar covalent
compare with ioniccompounds, molecularcompounds have lower melting points
the B--F in BF3 is ionic
the chemical bond formed when two atoms share electrons are called covalent bonds
atoms are what when they are combined more stable
a mutual elecrtical attraction between the nuclei and valence electrons of a different atoms that binds the atoms together is called chemical bonds
Created by: zack dunbarr
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