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Word List Day 20

elicit draw out
serration having a toothed edge
dainty pretty/delicate(food)/difficult to please
caustic biting sarcastic
highbrow (person) with superior tastes
odious repulsive; hateful
abjure promise or swear to give up
chauvinist a blindly devoted patriot
tyro a beginner
inane silly; senseless
dilate speak comprehensively become wider large
deprave make morally bad;corrupt
denigrate blacken; belittle; sully; defame
duplicity deliberate deception
protracted prolonged
taut tightly stretched
turbid muddy having the sediment stirred up
fledgling an inexperienced person.
punctilious Meticulous
bellicose inclined to fighting
ignominious shameful; dishonorable; undignified; disgraceful
interim as an installment
avid eager; greedy
florid very much ornamented naturally red (e.g.. of face)
malign to speak harmful untruths about someone
inundate flood cover by overflowing
attenuate make thin; weaken; enervate
consume get to the end of
phlegmatic calm; sluggish; temperament; unemotional
sanctimony self-righteousness hypocritical with FALSE piety
inimical harmful or unfriendly
prevaricate to equivocate to stray from the truth
ingenuous naive; young; artless; frank; honest; sincere
veracity truth
barren not good enough; unable to have young ones without value
Created by: ak16.94
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