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Word List Day 18

quixotic fanciful, fantastic, imaginary
fracas noisy; quarrel
putrefaction becoming rotten
torpid dull and slow
assuage make something (pain desire) less
insinuate suggest unpleasantly; make a way for something gently
sycophant person who flatter to the rich and powerful
urbane elegant refined in manners
ebullience exuberance outburst of feeling
austere severely moral and strict simple and plain
inadvertent not paying proper attention
assail attack violently
stingy spending using unwillingly
equivocal having a double or doubtful meaning; suspicious
proclivity inclination
cower crouch shrink back
colander bowl-shaped vessel with many holes used to drain off water
maul hurt by rough handling
provisional of the present time only
burnish to polish; rub to a shine
penury extreme poverty
dirge a song of grief or lamentation
ire anger
vain without use result conceited
ruddy reddish, healthy-looking
forfeit suffer the loss of something
engender cause produce give rise to
occluded blocked up
rotund rich and deep; plump and round
puerile childish
savant person of great learning
profuse abundant/lavish
enervate weaken deprive of strength attenuate
adamant kind of stone; inflexible
dynamo a generator something that produces electric current
Created by: ak16.94
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