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Word List Day 7

indulgent inclined to indulge
pilferer to steal, especially in small quantities
foster nurture; care for
apartheid brutal racial discrimination
garrulous too talkative
edify instruct; correct morally
evasive tending to evade
misanthrope person who hates mankind
eulogy formal praise panegyric
arcane known or understood by very few
bogus sham; counterfeit; not genuine
dexterity skill (esp. in handling)
lampoon publicly mock or ridicule
skit short piece of humorous writing
incongruous out of place; not in harmony or agreement
repulsive causing a feeling of disgust
refine make or become pure cultural
indefatigability not easily exhaustible; tirelessness
fawn To seek favor or attention by flattery and obsequious
wince show bodily or mental pain
feud bitter quarrel over a long period of time
cognizant being fully aware of
substantiation giving facts to support (statement)
euthanasia easy and painless death
irate angry
underbid make a lower bid then somebody else
alcove recess/partially enclosed place
frantic wildly excited with joy; pain; anxiety
peccadillo small sin small weakness in one's character
pervade spread through every part of
decree order given by authority
concoct invent, prepare by mixing together
turquoise greenish-blue precious stone
miser person who loves wealth and spends little
valiant brave
Created by: ak16.94
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