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I ASD I Chapter 4

food vocabulary and talking about a café

la comida the food but also the meal
el desayuno the breakfast
desayunar to eat breakfast
el almuerzo the lunch
almorzar (ue) to eat lunch
yo almuerzo I eat lunch
tú almuerzas you eat lunch
él almuerza he eats lunch
nosotros almorzamos we eat lunch
vosotros almorzáis y'all eat lunch
ellos almuerzan they eat lunch
la cena the supper
cenar to eat supper
la merienda the snack
merendar to eat a snack
yo meriendo I eat a snack
tú meriendas you eat a snack
ella merienda she eats a snack
nosotros merendamos we eat a snack
vosotros merendáis y'all eat a snack
ellos meriendan they eat a snack
vegetariano / vegetariana vegetarian
tener hambre to be hungry
Yo tengo mucha hambre. I am very hungry. (Literally "I have much hunger.")
tener sed to be thirsty
Yo tengo mucha sed. I am very thirsty. (Literally "I have much thirst.")
tomar to take BUT can be used for to eat or drink in the same sense as we use "have" -- I have (take) cereal for breakfast.
comer to eat
beber to drink
las tostadas; el pan tostado the toast
el panecillo the roll
la mantequilla the butter
el cereal the cereal
el huevo the egg
el huevo revuelto the scrambled egg
el huevo frito the fried egg
el tocino; el bacón the bacon
un sándwich, un bocadillo a sandwich
el jamón the ham
el queso the cheese
una ensalada a salad
una pizza a pizza
una hamburguesa (con queso) a (cheese)burger
la carne the meat
el pollo the chicken
el pescado the fish
el arroz the rice
los frijoles the beans
las legumbres; las verduras; los vegetales the vegetables
la lechuga the lettuce
el tomate the tomato
las papas; las patatas the potatoes
las papas fritas the French fries (but in some places might refer to chips)
el postre the dessert
el helado the ice cream
el flan the flan: a caramel egg custard
la torta; el pastel; la tarta el bizcocho; el queque; the cake
la tarta; el pastel; el pay the pie
el refresco the soft drink; the soda; the refreshment
la bebida the drink
el jugo de naranja the orange juice
el zumo de naranja the orange juice (Spain)
la leche the milk
la leche de chocolate the chocolate milk
la gaseosa the soda; soft drink
el agua (mineral) (con gas) the (sparkling) (mineral) water
el agua sin gas the water -- no carbonation
el chocolate the chocolate; but can also refer to hot chocolate in Spain
el café the café or the coffee
el batido the milkshake
el batido de vainilla the vanilla milkshake
el licuado the smoothie
el licuado de fresas, naranjas y piña the strawberry, orange, pineapple smoothie
la cola the coke; the cola (but strangely enough "la cola" can be "the tail" -of an animal - or "the line" -- like to stand in line)
el vazo the glass
la taza the cup or mug
caliente hot (in temperature)
picante hot (as in spicy)
frío; fría cold
las tapas; los antojitos the snacks; appetizers
la empanada it's like a little meat or cheese pie/turnover -- although there are dessert empanadas with fruit in them
los tostones; los patacones the fried plantain slices
los pinchitos the appetizers
los camarones; las gambas the shrimp
las aceitunas the olives
las albóndigas the meatballs
una mesa ocupada an occupied table
una mesa libre a free table
el mesero / la mesera el camarero / la camarera the waiter / the waitress
el / la cliente (the book also says "la clienta", but I've never seen that used -- only "la cliente" the client
el menú; la carta the menu
la orden the order
la cuenta the check (at a restaurant); the bill
ver to see
yo veo I see
tú ves you see
leer to read
abrir to open
recibir to receive
escribir to write
Qué desean tomar? What do you want (to take/to eat/to drink)?
¿Está incluído el servicio? Is the service (tip) included?
la propina the tip (for a waiter/waitress)
una sorpresa a surprise
enseguida; inmediatamente promptly; immediately
llegar to arrive
tener que (infinitive) to have to (verb)
Yo tengo que trabajar. I have to work
Tú tienes que estudiar español. You have to study Spanish.
Ella tiene que leer la historia. She has to read the story.
Nosotros tenemos que terminar la tarea. We have to finish the homework.
ir a (infinitive) to be going to (verb) -- the immediate or simple future
Yo voy a mirar un programa de televisión. I am going to watch a TV show.
Tú vas a practicar el béisbol. You are going to practice baseball.
Nosotros vamos a bailar esta noche. We are going to dance tonight.
Ellos van a comer pizza para almuerzo. They are going to eat pizza for lunch.
acabar to end; to finish; to complete
acabar de (infinitive) to have just (......)
Yo acabo de escribir un correo electrónico. I've just written an email. (I just wrote an email.)
Nosotros acabamos de desayunar. We've just eaten breakfast. (We just ate breakfast.)
El acaba de correr cinco millas. He has just run five miles. (He just ran five miles.)
aprender to learn
aprender a (infinitive) to learn (to do something)
Yo aprendo a hablar italiano. I am learning to speak Italian.
Ellos aprenden a jugar a lacrosse. They are learning to play lacrosse.
Miguelito aprende a montar en bicicleta. Miguelito is learning to ride a bike.
comprender to undertand (comprehend)
creer que sí. to believe so
Yo creo que sí. I believe so . (I believe that it correct.)
creer que no to believe not
Yo creo que no. I believe not (that whatever is not right).
deber (infintive) should /ought to
Vosotros debéis beber más agua. Y'all should drink more water.
Yo debo dormir más. I should sleep more.
vivir to live
Created by: bethlawrence
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