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Sp. 3 MidtermGrammar

Verbs like GUSTAR Gustar, Interesar, Encantar Always start with an indirect object pronoun and end with a subject
Present tense of regular verbs Ar - o, as, a, amos, an Er- o, es, e, emos, en Ir- o, es, e, imos, en
Present tense of Irregular verbs ser - soy, eres, es, somos, son estar - estoy, estás, está, estamos, están ir - voy, vas, va, vamos, van
Present tense of Irregular yo verbs conocer - conozco, dar - doy, saber- sé, ver-veo, hacer-hago, poner-pongo, salir-salgo, traer- traigo
Stem changing verbs Querer- quiero, quieres, quiere, queremos, quieren Poder - puedo, puedes, puede, podemos, pueden Servir- sirvo, sirves, sirve, servimos, sirven
Stem changing verbs (decir, tener, venir) Decir - yo digo, tú dices Tener- yo tengo, tú tienes Venir - yo vengo, tú vienes
Saber vs. Conocer Conocer - To know people, places or things Saber - To know facts/information
Ser vs. Estar Ser- indicates origin, to describe personal traits/physical characteristics and to indicate professions/ Estar- indicates location and describes conditions and emotions/feelings
Reflexive Verbs The reflexive pronoun always appears before the conjugated reflexive verb. When the reflexive verb follows a conjugated verb, the reflexive pronoun can be attached to the infinitive or be placed before the conjugated verb.
Preterite of Regular verbs Ar - é, aste, ó, amos, aron Er/Ir- í, iste, ió, imos, ieron Car, gar, zar change in the yo form, but otherwise are conjugated normally
Irregular Preterites Look in book (pg. 42)
Imperfect Tense Ar - aba, abas, aba, ábamos, aban Er/Ir - ía, ías, ía, íamos, ían Irregulars - Ir: iba, ibas, iba, ibamos, iban, Ser: era, eras, era, éramos, eran, Ver: veía, veías, veía, veíamos, veían
Preterite vs. Imperfect Tense Use the preterite tense to describe an action or series of actions completed in the past. Use the imperfect tense for ongoing actions or states of being in the past without focusing on their beginning or end. Use imperfect for time and weather in past
Tú Commands Regular affirmative tú commands are the same as the usted/él/ella form in the present tense. You form negative tú commands by changing the yo form of the present tense
Irregular Tú Commands decir - di, hacer - haz, ir - ve, poner -pon, salir - sal ser - sé, tener - ten, venir - ven
Other command forms To use affirmative and negative commands​ for usted, ustedes,​ and​ nosotros, start with the ​yo​ form of the present tense.​​ (i.e. tirar = tire, hacer = haga, elegir = elija)
Pronouns with commands In affirmative commands you attach object pronouns to the end of the verb (i.e. acostarme) In negative commands, they go before the verb and after no (I.e. no me acostar)
Impersonal Expressions + Infinitive To state an opinion, or to suggest that something should be done without indicating who should do it, use an impersonal expression plus an infinitive (i.e. Es malo presentar información falsa, Fue bueno entrevistar al director., etc.)
Future Tense Endings are; -é, ás, á, emos, án; Endings are added directly to the infinitive Irregulars: haber - habr, poder-podr, querer-querr, saber-sabr, poner-pondr, salir-saldr, tener-tendr, venir-vendr, decir-dir, hacer-har
Por Por; The idea of passing through, the cause of something, how long something lasts, general rather than specific location, an exchange, a means of completing an action, doing something in place of something else
Para destination, a comparison or contrast, a deadline, the recipient of an item, an opinion, the purpose of an action, for whom something is done
SUBJUNCTIVE Know regular present subjunctive, More Subjunctive Forms, Subjunctive with Ojalá and verbs of hope, Subjunctive with verbs of Influence, Subjunctive with Doubt and Subjunctive with emotions
Created by: MLevy44
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