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Vocab January 24

Imagery Creates a vivid mental picture; appeals to the senses
Hyperbole An extreme exaggeration used for effect; over statement
Understatement Saying less than what is meant, for event
Paradox An apparent contradiction, which is nevertheless somehow true
Irony When something is unexpected
Verbal irony Speaker says one thing but means something else
Dramatic irony Audience knows more than the characters
Situational irony Something unexpected happens
Simile A comparison between two unlike things using words such as like and as
Metaphor An implied comparison between unlike things
Extended metaphor Metaphor spread over several lines
Personification Giving human characteristics to an animal, object, or idea
Objective narrator Tells only what the characters say and do; offers no interpretation
Stream of consciousness Reader knows the inner thoughts of the narrator, writer usually shifts in and out if stream
Omnisciente ( 3POV) Narrator knows all characters thoughts and feelings
Limited omniscient (3POV) Narrator knows one characters thoughts and feelings
Unreliable narrator Naive, mentally ill, biased, corrupt, immoral
Climax Point of highes emotional inten
Conflict Clash, disagreement
Denouement The end; balanced restored
Epiphany Sudden realization about life
Exposition Opening, gives background information about characters
Foreshadowing Hint of things that might happen later in the shadow
Flashback A vivid memory of a past event
In media rays Technique of beginning a story in the middle of the action
Plot The arrangement of events
Point of view Perspective from which a story is told
Rising action Elements that build conflict and complications in the plot
First POV Reader sees thoughts through characters eyes
3 POV Used he she it
Created by: zmaew15
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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