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Sofia BS&F Ch 12 &19

Sofia BS&F Ch 12&19

Gland that produces serotonin and melatonin pineal gland
Most common disease resulting from hyperthyroidism Grave's Disease
This vitamin helps to increase absorption of calcium by the intestines Vitamin D
This holds the ovary in place in the pelvic cavity broad ligament
excessive secretion of growth hormone after childhood acromegaly
bulging of eyes due to hyperthyroidism exophthalmia
hormone that maintains the body's water balance Vasopressin
hypothyroidism in young children cretinism
moon-shaped face caused by too much secretion from the adrenal cortex Cushing's syndrome
hormone that inhibits the release of calcium from bones, increasing blood levels of calcium calcitonin
This condition is a result of the pancreas failing to produce enough insulin and the patient experiences hypergylcemia diabetes mellitus
A disorder of the adrenal cortex that affects blood sodium, glucose levels, BP, bronzing of the skin and the patient feels listless and dehydrated Addison's disease
if there is a deficiency of ADH in which the patient experiences excessive polyuria, they may have diabetes insipidis
another name for hypophysis pituitary gland
hormone secreted by the thymus gland thymosin
This mechanism is used by hormone levels to control increases or decreases of hormones to maintain homeostasis negative feedback system
hormone produced by the thyroid gland thyroxine
glands that are on top of the kidneys (suprarenal) adrenal glands
adrenal cortex secretes this mineralcorticoid hormone to regulate sodium & potassium excretion by the kidneys aldosterone
hormone responsible for the sleep cycle, secreted by the pineal gland melatonin
gland also associated with the immune system, makes T lymphocytes thymus
main male hormone testosterone
releasing of the mature ovum is called ovulation
female gonads are called ovaries
first onset of menstruation menarche
the area between the vaginal opening and the anus perineum
developing embryo after the 9th week is now called a fetus
A bacterial infection of the interior female organs can result in pelvis inflammatory disease
sperm are produced here testes
area of the testes where sperm mature epididymis
male gland which surrounds the urethra just below the bladder prostate gland
tubes in a female that transport the ova to the uterus fallopian tubes
another name for the fallopian tubes uterine tubes
this layer of the uterus is shed each month if pregnancy does not occur endometrium
opening of the cervix is referred to as the external os
Last menstrual cycle menopause (climacteric)
after ovulation, the egg must be fertilized within 12-24 hours
the first stage of a fertilized egg is called a zygote
hormone responsible for contractions during labor oxytocin
hormone detected in pregnancy tests human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG)
Created by: hsofia



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