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Ch. 6 Descubre 2019

¿De qué está hecho? What is it made of?
Está hecho de... It's made of...
el algodón cotton
el cuero leather
la seda silk
la lana wool
conducir to drive (Spain)
manejar to drive (Latin America)
conocer to know, to be acquainted with
dar to give
ofrecer (-zco in the yo form) to offer
parecer (-zco in the yo form) to seem, to appear to be
saber to know (facts, information)
traducir (-zco in yo form) to translate
atender a (e:ie) to attend to; to assist
comprar to buy
vender to sell
me queda bien/mal It fits me well/poorly
me queda grande/pequeño it fits me big/small
me queda flojo/apretado It fits me loose/tight
el almacén department store; warehouse
la caja cash register; box
el centro comercial mall
el/la cliente(a) customer, client
costar (o:ue) to cost
el/la dependiente(a) salesperson, store clerk
el dinero money
el efectivo cash
gastar to spend (money)
pagar en efectivo to pay in cash
hacer juego con to match (with)
llevar to wear, to carry
el mercado (al aire libre) open-air market
pagar to pay
un par de (zapatos / calcetines / guantes) a pair of (shoes, socks, gloves)
el precio (fijo) (fixed; set) price
la rebaja sale; discount
el regalo gift, present
regatear to bargain, to haggle
la tarjeta de crédito credit card
la tarjeta de débito debit card
la tienda shop; store
usar to use
el/la vendedor(a) salesperson
la venta sale (transaction)
la ganga a bargain / a steal (great deal)
bueno(a) good
cada each, every
caro(a) / costoso(a) expensive / costly
corto(a) short (length)
elegante elegant, fancy
hermoso(a) beautiful, handsome
largo(a) long (length)
loco(a) crazy
nuevo(a) new
otro(a) other, another
pobre poor
rico(a) rich, tasty, delicious
tacaño(a) cheap; stingy
estar de moda to be in style
cómodo(a) comfortable
apretado(a) tight-fitting
flojo(a) loose, baggy (also lazy)
barato(a) cheap, inexpensive
casual casual; informal
formal formal
el color color
rojo(a) red
anaranjado(a) / naranja orange (color)
amarillo(a) yellow
verde green
azul blue
gris gray
blanco(a) white
negro(a) black
morado(a), púrpura, violeta purple
marrón, café brown
rosado(a), rosa pink
de color plata / plateado(a) silver
oro / dorado(a) gold, golden
claro light (color)
bronce bronze (colored)
oscuro dark (color)
las rayas stripes
los lunares polka dots
acabar de (+ inf.) to have just done something
el año pasado last year
anteayer the day before yesterday
anoche last night
ayer yesterday
de repente suddenly
desde since, from (time)
dos veces twice; two times
hasta until
pasado(a) (adj.) past, last
prestar to lend; to loan
una vez once; one time
la semana pasada last week
93. ya already; enough
la capucha hood (on a jacket)
las mangas largas long sleeves
el cierre drawstring
las mangas cortas short sleeves
floreado(a) floral
liso(a) / de solo un color solid-colored
estampado(a) patterned
de muchos colores multi-colored; many colors
la talla clothing size
pequeño / extra-pequeño small / extra small
mediano medium
grande / extra-grande large, extra large
el número number (shoe size)
¿Cuánto cuesta? How much does it cost?
¿Cuánto costó? How much did it cost?
¿Cuánto cuestan? How much do they cost?
¿Cuánto costaron? How much did they cost?
verse bien / mal (reflexive) to look good / bad
el baile dance
el concierto concert
una cita date, appointment
la iglesia church
una boda wedding
una fiesta de cumpleaños birthday party
una fiesta de aniversario anniversary party
una fiesta party
la Navidad Christmas
el Día de San Valentín Valentine's Day
el Día de los Muertos Day of the Dead
el Día de la Independencia Independence Day
el día de la acción de gracias Thanksgiving
la Pascua Easter



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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

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