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Exam Revision
Question | Answer |
What is meant by an open-ended question? | An open-ended question has multiple solutions. They cater for children with various abilities as children who struggle can provide at least one answer, whereas children who are more able can provide numerous, more complex solutions. |
When children are working mathematically, what sorts of things should they be doing? | Should be problem solving, reasoning and communicating. Reasoning is where children provide an explanation to their working and answers but also having the verbal or written communication skills in doing so. |
What are the 3 content strands in the new draft syllabus? | Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry, Statistics and Probability. |
What are the sub-strands in each? | NA: whole numbers, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, decimals, percentages, computation with integers, financial mathematics, ratios and rates, patterns, algebra. MG: length, area, volume, capacity, mass, time. SP: data, chance |
Define and explain the terms of the acronym ELPSARA. | E- experience (of the child). L- language (mindful of child's language) P- pictorial (visual or concrete representation) S- symbolic (introduce symbolic aspects) A-application R-reflection A-assessment |
One of the big ideas associated with number is place value. How do we introduce children to place value, describe an activity. | Children are introduced to place value through counting in tens, for example bundling up straws in groups of 10. Children then see that 10 separate straws is the same as one lot of ten |
In what order should you teach multiplication facts? | The multiplication facts (tables) usually commence with the twos because children have already learnt to double as part of their addition. Would then start with 10's and 5's, again because children have learnt to count in 10's and 5's. |
A child tells you that 1/3 is bigger than 1/2. What misconception do you think he/she has about fractions? How could you help them? | They see the fraction as being two numbers, therefore 3 is bigger than 2. Get them to fold some paper into half and then into 3rds. Show them the size difference between a half and then a third to show that a half is larger. |
What pictorial oe concrete representation could you use to help children understand the concept of decimals? | Would use linear arithmetic blocks to show children representations of decimals. Or use a ruler to show 0.1 and 0.01 (providing they understand length). Or an area model that would be 10cm by 10cm where children can then shade in the decimal fraction. |
What ICT tool could you use in the teaching of data? How would you use it in a lesson? | Tinkerplots is a software suitable for teaching data. Using this may involve getting children to construct a person graph (physically) and then showing them on Tinkerplots. Gather data (boys/girls) with same process. Then let . children explore |
Why are Van Hiele's levels of geometric thought useful for teachers. | The levels describe how children develop their geometric thinking. They are useful for teachers because they guide the activities we might use. E.g. children playing with shapes in the early years so they can start describing properties of shapes. |
Describe an activity that stage 2 children might do when learning about position. | Grid reference system: mark out a grid on the floor of the classroom with tape. The lines would be against key features of the room. Discuss with children how they could describe their position in the class and use this to introduce the concept. |
How would you introduce children to the concept of angle? At what stage would this occur? | Angles aren't introduced until stage 2. Show children an analogue clock and discuss the amount of turn between the two hands. Have children identify other angles in the class.. |
What would be the first thing we would introduce when we start teaching chance? Describe an activity that could be used. | Children are introduced to chance first in stage 1. Would discuss terms such as certain, uncertain, possible, impossible. What do they mean and then put these terms in context of the children. Is it certain that we will have lunch today? |
What kind of response would children give to a question involving chance, if it was deemed to be at a numerical level? | When children provide a numerical response to probability, they give a numerical value. |
Describe the teaching sequence associated with the development of measurement. In other words, where do we start and how do we build on this? | 1. Attribute: provide activities allowing children to understand nature of the attribute e.g. what do we mean by area? 2. Comparing and ordering 3. Quantifying by counting non-standard units 4. Quantifying by counting standard units 5. Applications |
One of the concepts associated with measurement is the measurement of scale. What does this mean? What do students need to know about scale? | Scale- the understanding needed to read a measurement scale. E.g marks on a ruler are located at the ENDS of the units not in the middle. Need to understand the ruler has a zero point-can measure from that. Scale has different levels of precision (cm,mm) |
Describe an activity that stage 3 children might use when learning about measurement? | Children in stage 3 are applying their knowledge in measurement. An activity might be calculating the area of turf needed for the sports field. Provide children with trundle wheels then use a formula for calculating the area. |
In early stage 1, children learn to describe, continue, and translate patterns. Give examples of activity, questions to use when assessing the children. | Show children a pattern on the board. Triangle, square, square x2. Ask them to describe the pattern (colour or shape), make same pattern with blocks to guess next, ask them to clap for triangle and stomp for square to translate to clap, stomp, stomp |
A child gave an answer of 17 to 12+5=?+7. What misconception do they have and how would you overcome this? | The child thinks that the equals sign means the answer. So they have given the answer to 12+5. Depending on the child, use some toy scales, show them 12 blue teddies and 5 red teddies on one side. Place 7 in the other and ask the child how many more |
How would you use patterns to help children learn their number facts? | Children can see patterns in the hundreds chart when learning their multiplication facts. Children can also see that multiples of 10 end in a 0. I would us the hundreds chart when reinforcing patterns and multiplication facts. |