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Pugnacious Eager to fight or argue
Scintillating Witty Brilliant
Pittance Small amount of (money)
Extenuating Making less guilty or more forgivable
Somber Dark and gloomy
Checkered One that is marked by disreputable happenings
Cadaverous Emaciated
Aboveboard Open and honest
Moment Significant and important
Plodding Slow and laborious
Moot Opened to argument; undecidable in a meaningless way
Raffish Marked by carefree unconventionality
Petulant Easily irritated or annoyed
Temperance Trait of avoiding excess
Brazen Unrestrained by convention or propriety; like the boldness after bribery
Poignant Emotionally touching
Repudiate Refute; reject as untrue or unfounded
Subversive Opposition to civil authorities
Precipitous Done with very great haste and with no due deliberation
Pejorative Expressing disapproval
Askance With look of suspicion or disapproval
Flux State of uncertainty about what should be done
Sullen Showing a brood ill humor
Vindictive Having a strong desire for revenge
Remiss To neglect one’s duty
Amok In a frenzied or uncontrolled way
Raft Copious
Ferret To search for something persistently
Badger To pester
Vicarious Felt or undergone as if one were taking part in the experience of another
Inclement Stormy; Opposite of clement (clemency = merciful)
Respite A pause from doing something
Snide Derogatory or mocking in an indirect way
Obdurate stubbornly persistent in wrongdoing an unrepentant, obdurate sinner b : hardened in feelings The obdurate enemy was merciless.
Fete To celebrate someone
Apprehension Fearful expectations
Quandary : a state of perplexity or doubt
Renege Fail to fulfill a promise or obligation
Derisive expressing or causing contemptuous ridicule or scorn : expressing or causing derision derisive laughter Given such follies …, it's easy to be derisive of Jerry Lewis … — James Wolcott Derive
Rankle ran·kled; ran·kling \ˈraŋ-k(ə-)liŋ \ intransitive verb 1 : to cause anger, irritation, or deep bitterness 2 : to feel anger and irritation transitive verb : to cause irritation or bitterness in
Assail To attack violently Assault
Urbane notably polite or polished in manner Debonair
Grovel Show submission or fear
Smattering 1 : superficial piecemeal knowledge a smattering of carpentry, house painting, bricklaying — Alva Johnston 2 : a small scattered number or amount a smattering of spectators
Tawdry cheap and gaudy in appearance or quality; also : ignoble a tawdry attempt to smear his opponent
Piquant engagingly provocative; also : having a lively arch charm 2 : agreeably stimulating to the taste; especially : spicy pi·quant·ly adverb pi·quant·ness noun Poignant
Despondent feeling or showing extreme discouragement, dejection, or depression despondent about his health de·spon·dent·ly adverb
Sullen 1 : menacing or threatening in appearance surly weather 2 obsolete : arrogant, imperious 3 : irritably sullen and churlish in mood or manner : crabbed
Buck Resist
Spurn Reject with contempt
Vacuous Devoured of intelligence, matter, significance
Tout Advertise in a strongly positive terms; show off
Leery Suspicious, Wary
Aphoristic 1 : a concise statement of a principle 2 : a terse formulation of a truth or sentiment : adage the high-minded aphorism, "Let us value the quality of life, not the quantity"
Brusquely In a blunt and direct manner
Dereliction a : an intentional abandonment b : the state of being abandoned 2 : a recession of water leaving permanently dry land 3 a : intentional or conscious neglect : delinquency dereliction of duty b : fault, shortcoming
Foible : a minor flaw or shortcoming in character or behavior : weakness admired their teacher despite his foibles … talent is always balanced by foible. — Janna Malamud Smith
Connive Taking part in immoral and unethical plots
Sedulous 1 : involving or accomplished with careful perseverance sedulous craftsmanship 2 : diligent in application or pursuit a sedulous student Assiduous
Quibble 1 : to evade the point of an argument by caviling about words 2 a : cavil, carp b : bicker
Carp To find fault or complain querulously
Carping : marked by or inclined to querulous and often perverse criticism carp·ing·ly \ˈkär-piŋ-lē \ adverb Captious; fault finding, judgmental, caviling,
Exasperate To irritate intensely
Ploy : escapade, frolic 2 a : a tactic intended to embarrass or frustrate an opponent b : a devised or contrived move : stratagem a ploy to get her to open the door — Robert B. Parker
Vitiate to make faulty or defective : impair the comic impact is vitiated by obvious haste — William Styron 2 : to debase in moral or aesthetic status a mind vitiated by prejudice 3 : to make ineffective fraud vitiates a contract
Goad Urge on with unpleasant comments
Wanton Showing no moral restraint, without check or limit
Begrudge to give or concede reluctantly or with displeasure begrudge money begrudged the weeks spent away from home 2 : to look upon with disapproval or envy begrudge their rivals' success
Cavalier Given to haughty disregard of others
Behooves to be necessary, proper, or advantageous for it behooves us to go intransitive verb : to be necessary, fit, or proper it is a duty or responsibility for someone to do something. "it behoves the House to assure itself ...
Hubris exaggerated pride or self-confidence
Vie To compete for something
Inkling A slight sugges or vague understanding
Sordid : marked by baseness or grossness : vile sordid motives 2 a : dirty, filthy b : wretched, squalid 3 : meanly avaricious : covetous 4 : of a dull or muddy color
Perquisite : a privilege, gain, or profit incidental to regular salary or wages; especially : one expected or promised 2 : gratuity, tip 3 : something held or claimed as an exclusive right or possession
Amply More than is adequate
Vanquish Come out better in a race or competition or conflict
Exasperate 1 : irritated or annoyed especially to the point of injudicious action : exasperated 2 : roughened with irregular prickles or elevations exasperate seed coats
Hector To bully or intimidate
Vicissitudes Change in one’s circumstance usually for the worse
Defray To help pay the cost in part or full
Choleric An outburst of temper, easily angered
Byzantine Intricate and complex
Expunge 1 : to strike out, obliterate, or mark for deletion 2 : to efface completely : destroy 3 : to eliminate from one's consciousness expunge a memory
Created by: Samibk
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