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Fundamental Words

English to Spanish

To own Ser dueno de
Research Investigacion
gloves guantes
winter invierno
Funny Gracioso
Later Luego
Until Hasta
Grateful Agradecido
Oh my god Dios mio
Goal Meta
Pond Estanque
Slow Lento
Ball Pelota
Rain Llover
Umbrella Paraguas
Serious Serio
Some, any Alguno
Already Ya
Something Algo
Someone Alguien
Always Siempre
Also, too Tambien
Thing Cosa
Lack Falta
Phrase Frace
Sentence Oracion
Any Cualquier
Maybe quizas
Establish Establecer
Requirement Requisito
Hazard Peligro
Related Relacionado
Potential Potencial
Exposure Exposicion
Arsenic Arsenico
Outline Contorno
Steps Las escaleras
Necessary Necesario
Inform Informar
Employee Empleado
Element Elemento
Validate Validar
To continue Continuar
Tree Arbol
Towards Hacia
There Ahi
To believe, to give one’s opinion Opinar
Neither Tampoco
To close Cerrar
Appear Aparecer
be born Nacer
Door Puerta
Back (rear part) Fondo
enjoy Disfrutar
Past Pasado
Bag Bolsa
Complete Completo
Case Caso
Some Alguno
On En
Off Apagado
Form Forma
to teach Ensenar
Calm, quiet, calm down Tranquilo
To remember Recordar
Business owner Empresario
Gratitude Gratitud
Statement Declaracion
Still Todavia
To take up (space) / to spend (time) Ocupar
Space Espacio
Place Lugar
Thursday jueves
This Esto/este/esta
Lie Mentira
beating, hiding, pain in the butt
badass, awesome
Azotar tu culo
Let’s do it
To wake up
Tower La torre
To wait for Esperar
Azotar tu culo
To see
To hear
To speak
To smell
To touch
To taste
en lugar de eso
To lie
Grateful Agradecido
Luck Suerte
Buena suerte
To come Venir
Ceiling El techo
El cuaderno
la pared
el ventilador de techo
ceiling fan
la servilleta
Created by: jamesowens
Popular Spanish sets




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