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2201 capitulo 1


la amistad friendship
el (la) bisabuelo(a) great-grandparent
el asilo de ancianos retirement home
el (la) bisnieto(a) great-grandchild
la brecha generacional generation gap
el cambio change
la cita date, appointment
el divorcio the divorce
la generación generation
el (la) huérfano(a) orphan
el matrimonio marriage, married
el noviazgo courtship
el (la) novio(a) boyfriend / girlfriend
el papel role
la pareja couple, partner
los parientes relatives
el (la) prometido(a) fiance(é)
el reto challenge
la tercera edad old age
la vejez old age
hoy en día nowadays
antaño yesteryear/old times
el (la) cuñado(a) brother/sister-in-law
el (la) hermanastro(a) stepbrother/stepsister
el (la) hijastro(a) stepson /stepdaughter
madrastra stepmother
la nuera daughter-in-law
el padrastro stepfather
el (la) suegro(a) father-in-law/ mother-in-law
el yerno son-in-law
desintegrado(a) broken (family)
está enamorado(a) (de) to be in love (with)
moderno(a) modern
tradicional traditional
unido(a) tight, close (family)
casado(a) married
divorciado(a) divorced
separado(a) separated
soltero(a) single
la unión civil civil union
la unión libre a couple living together, but without legal documentation
viudo(a) widowed
abrazar to embrace; to hug
adoptar to adopt
cambiar to change
casarse (con) to marry
coquetear to flirt
crecer to grow up
criar to raise; to bring up
divorciarse (de) to divorce
enamorarse (de) to fall in love (with)
envejecer to age; to get old
llevarse (bien/mal/regular) to get along well/poorly/okay
nacer to be born
odiar to hate
querer (a) to love (a person)
respetar to respect (a person)
romper (con) to break up (with)
salir con (una persona) to go out with (a person)
separarse (de) to separate (from)
besar to kiss
comprometerse (con) to get engaged to
saludar to greet
caer bien to get along well
Created by: amjohn77
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