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Adv Spanish 3 Final

The study guide for the advanced spanish 3 finals test!

Fue y compro Went and bought
Lo quería S/he wanted it
Quería tener S/he wanted to have
Le gusto S/he liked it
La carrera de cien metros The hundred meter race
Era muy activo/a S/he is very active
Se puso más fuerte S/he became stronger
Iba a todos las fiestas S/he went to all of the parties
Tomaba refrescos S/he drank soft drinks
Cada día Every day
Nunca la ganó S/he never won it
No le ganó; no le ganó a nadie S/he didn't win against him/her; S/he didn't win against anyone
Llegó S/he arrived
Se subía de peso S/he was gaining weight
En entrenamiento empezó y terminó The practice began and ended
No lo necesitaba S/he doesn't need it
Le dio S/he gave to him/her
Era grande S/he was big
Los Juegos Olímpicos The Olympic Games
Comía todos los días S/he ate every day
Se entrenó S/he trained
Después / antes de... Before / after...
Salía con su novio/a S/he went out with his/her boyfriend/girlfriend
Pasaba horas tomando el sol S/he spent hours training
Quería la medalla de oro S/he wanted the gold medal
Se quedó en último lugar S/he remained in last place
En vez de... Instead of...
Llegué I arrived
Se bajaba de peso S/he was losing weight
Iba despacio S/he went slow
Ganó la compeonata S/he won the competition
Por horas seguidas For hours on end
Se lo preparó S/he prepared it
Hueso frito Fried bone
Comería dulces S/he ate candy
Era flojo / perezoso S/he/I was lazy
Lograré la meta I will achieve the goal
Ha comido palomitas S/he has eaten popcorn
Se ha desmayado S/he has fainted
Se ha tropezado con un conejo S/he has tripped with a rabbit
Le ha dicho mentiras S/he has said lies to him/her
Ha derramado la leche S/he has spilled the milk
Engorda y se enferma S/he swelled and gets sick
El año pasado Last year
Toda la familia The whole family
Había querido usar S/he had wanted to use
Habían necesitado calentar el motor They had needed to warm up the motor
Habías estado enfrente de la librería You had ben in front of the library/bookstore
Estaba preocupado/a S/he was worried
Ni siquiera Not even
Los tenía They had
Iría al cine S/he went to the movies
Tenía ganas de S/he felt like
Tendrá la misma meta S/he will have the same goal
Se portará diferente / mejor S/he behaved different / better
Se ha sentido mareado/a S/he has felt dizzy
De pronto / de repente Suddenly
Se ha dado la vuelta S/he turned around
No ha hecho nada S/he had not done anything
La mesa está mojada / seca The table is wet / dry
Hemos comido demasiados plátanos We have eaten too many bananas
El último año The last year
Había podido usar S/he had been able to use
Deseaba S/he wished / desired
El motor se había enfridado The motor had cooled down
Había visto a sus amigos en la heladeria, pasteleria, panaderia, papeleria, pizzeria, taqueria S/he had visited his/her friends in the ice cream shop, cake shop, bakery, stationary store (card shop / paper goods) pizza shop, and taco shop
Created by: Farwalker3
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