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Terms and Defs Engli


EXPOSITION Beginning of story char, setting (time, place), conflict
INCITING INCIDENT Kick-off; without it, there is NO story
BUMP Peak in the rising action caused by a complication
RISING ACTION Gradual increase of intensity in the plot
CLIMAX Highest point of tension
DENOUEMENT RESOLUTION Comes after the climax – where the loose ends are tied up
FORESHADOWING Hints about what will happen
SYMBOL Something concrete that represents an idea
METAPHOR The “IS” comparison --You are an angel.
SIMILE Like or as – You act like an angel.
PERSONIFICATION Giving human characteristics to something that is not human
MYTHOLOGICAL ALLUSION Reference to a god, goddess, place, etc.
BIBLICAL ALLUSION Reference to a person, a text, a story from the Bible
HISTORICAL ALLUSION Reference to a battle, president, war, revolution, etc.
VERBAL IRONY When you mean the opposite of what you say (sarcasm)
SITUATIONAL IRONY When you expect something to happen and the opposite occurs
DRAMATIC IRONY When the audience knows what the characters don’t
THEME The underlying meaning
PROTAGONIST The main character; the character with the conflict
ANTAGONIST The force that opposes the protagonist
INTERNAL CONFLICT Man vs. self Man vs. societe Man vs. nature
EXTERNALCONFLICT Man vs. man Man vs. society Man vs. obstacle
SITUATIONAL IRONY When you expect something to happen and the opposite occurs
DRAMATIC IRONY When the audience knows what the characters don’t
THEME The underlying meaning
PROTAGONIST The main character; the character with the conflict
ANTAGONIST The force that opposes the protagonist
INTERNAL CONFLICT Man vs. self Man vs. nature Man vs. society
EXTERNALCONFLICT Man vs. man Man vs. society Man vs. obstacle
Affable 1. pleasantly easy to approach and to talk to; friendly; cordial; warmly polite: an affable and courteous gentleman. showing warmth and friendliness; benign; pleasant: an affable smile.
Amenity Pleasures, not vital for life
Condone o disregard or overlook (something illegal, objectionable, or the like). To excuse
Deplorable Causing or being a subject for grief or regret; lamentable: the deplorable death of a friend. Bad Manners, you have deplorable manners
Disarming removing or capable of removing hostility, suspicion, etc., as by being charming: a disarming smile.
Droll amusing in an odd way; whimsically humorous; waggish.
Elude to avoid or escape by speed, cleverness, trickery, etc.; evade: to elude capture.
Imperative absolutely necessary or required; unavoidable: It is imperative that we leave.
Quarry an animal or bird hunted or pursued.
Scruple a moral or ethical consideration or standard that acts as a restraining force or inhibits certain actions.
Solicitously anxious or concerned (usually fol. by about, for, etc., or a clause): solicitous about a person's health
Stamina strength of physical constitution; power to endure disease, fatigue, privation, etc.
Tangible capable of being touched; discernible by the touch; material or substantial.
Uncanny having or seeming to have a supernatural or inexplicable basis; beyond the ordinary or normal; extraordinary: uncanny accuracy; an uncanny knack of foreseeing trouble.
Zealous full of, characterized by, or due to zeal; ardently active, devoted, or diligent.
Created by: 840210397
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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