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Short Story Test

Setting time, place, geographic location, time period, socio-economic characteristics
Atmosphere/Mood dominant effect created by the author (emotional setting)
Round Characters convincing, true to life, have many different and sometimes even contradictory personality traits
Dynamic Characters undergo some type of change or development in the story
Flat Characters stereotyped, shallow, and often symbolic
Static Characters do not change
Protagonist is the person who the events happen to (main character)
Antagonist is the person who opposes the protagonist
Conflict the struggle in which the central character is involved
Types of Conflict person vs person, person vs self, person vs nature, person vs nature
Point of View the viewpoint from which the author tells the story
1st Person the narrator is a main character in the story and refers to him/her/itself as ‘I’, ‘me’, ‘my’
2nd Person a narrator who addresses you directly, like a diary or letter
3rd Person told by a narrator
Omniscient Narrator the story is told by an all-knowing narrator; allows the author to describe any character from the outside and inside (not a character in the story)
Limited Omniscient Narrator narrator who sees the events of the story through the eyes of a single character
Objective Narrator merely describes the events as they occur (similar to a way a movie camera records events)
Theme deeper significance of the plot (central idea of message of the story)
Plot series of interrelated events that make up a story; usually built around a conflict
Introduction enables the reader to understand the basic situation (setting, characters, background information, etc.)
Trigger Incident the incident or events that sets the plot into motion and begins the action (usually some action or decision made by a central character that causes change in his/her life or the lives of others, for better or worse)
Rising Action main part of the story composed of a series of events and conflicts
Climax the highest point of interest or action, the turning point of the action (it is here that the major conflict is somehow resolved)
Falling Action the events that follow the climax (usually shed light on the reasons for and/or results of the climax)
Conclusion all ‘loose ends’ are tied up, reader is usually forced to think about the story’s theme
Allegory where every aspect of a story is representative, usually symbolic, of something else, usually a larger abstract concept or important historical event
Alliteration a group of words that begin with the same letter or sound
Allusion an indirect reference to a familiar figure, place or event that is known from literature, history, myth, religion, or some other field of knowledge
Analogy a comparison between something unfamiliar with something that is familiar to aid in understanding of the unfamiliar
Dialogue a conversation between two or more characters. Dialogue is often used by writers and dramatists to reveal character and conflict
Flashback a device that shifts the narrative from the present to the past, usually to reveal a change in character or illustrate an important point
Foreshadowing refers to the clues that hint at what is going to happen later in the plot
Hyperbole a figure of speech that uses an exaggerated or extravagant statement to create a strong emotional response, as a figure of speech it is not intended to be taken literally, but for humour
Irony creates a contrast or discrepancy between what is said and what is meant or between expectations and reality
Metaphor a figure of speech that makes a comparison between two seemingly unlike things without using connective words such as like or as
Onomatopoeia words with meaning that are connected to their sounds
Personification a metaphor in which human attributes are given to inanimate objects
Pun a play on words, the humorous use of a word or phrase so as to emphasize or suggest its different meanings
Similie a figure of speech that makes a comparison between two seemingly unlike things using a connective word such as like or as
Symbol a person, place, thing, or even that stands both for itself and for something beyond itself.
Created by: laurakush
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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