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science quiz

Incandescence The production of light as a result of high temperature
Electric Charge The process of producing light passing through an electric current
Phosphorescence The production of light by the absorption of ultra violet light resulting in the emission of visible light over an extended period of time
Fluorescence The immediate emission of visible light as a result of the absorption of ultra violet light
Chemiluminescense The direct production of light as the result of a chemical reaction with little or no heat produced.
Bioluminesence The production of light in living organisms as the result of a chemical reation with little to no heat produced
Triboluminesence The production of light from friction as a result of scratching crushing or rubbing certain crystals
L.E.D (light emitting diode) Light produced as a result of an electric flowing in semiconductors
Example of how incandescence is used? Light bulbs. Not as efficient as florescence light bulbs.
Example of how electric discharge is used? Neon signs
Example of phosphorescence? Glow in the dark stickers
Example of florescence? Laundry detergent. Light bulbs. More efficient than incandescence.
Example of chemiluminescence? Glow stick called cold light.
Visible light Electromagnetic waves that the human eye can detect
Electromagnetic spectrum the classification of electromagnetic waves by energy
Radio waves Am/Fm radio, Tv signals, cell phone communication
Microwaves microwave ovens and astronomy
Infrared light remote controls, lasers
Visible light human vision, theater lighting, rainbows
X rays medical imaging. cancer treatment, security equipment
Gamma Rays Cancer treatment, astronomy, product of some nuclear decay
Visible Spectrum Continuous sequence of colours that make up white light (ROYGBIV)
Where are the angles of incidence and reflection measured from? The normal
If reflected off a smooth surface inc. rays will? Inc rays will have a parallel reflection. Called specular reflection
If reflected off a ruff surface the reflected ray will? Go in many different directions
How are real images formed? By the convergence of light rays meeting at a point
What do virtual images depend on? The observer
What do the observers see when they look into the mirror? The reflected rays
How is the image formed? Where the observer thinks the rays are coming from
What are the characteristics of images? Size, Altitude, Location and Type compared to object
How many wave lengths does single colour light have? One
Is single colour light in phase? Yes
Does single colour light spread out? No
What is single colour light called? Lasers
Where can laser lights be used? Medicine, military, industry and scientific research
What is white light made out of? A mixture of colours
Is white light made out of one wavelength? no
Does white light spread out? Yes
Is white light in phase? No
Is energy stronger in phase or out of phase? In phase
is white light concentrated energy? No
Why were lasers made? For scientific reasonsing
What happens when light strikes matter? Can be absorbed transmitted or reflected
Absorbed Light that is soaked in by the matter it strikes
Is it easier for black or white objects to absorb light? Black
Reflected Bounces off the substance it strikes (mirror)
Transmitted Passes through the matter it strikes (transparent substances)
Transparent Can see through clearly (window)
Translucent Can see through but not with detail (frosted glass)
Opaque Cannot see through at all (textbook)
Created by: Marsbar21
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