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Vocab personalidad

el cerebro brain
la mente mind
beneficiar to benefit
bloquear to block
comprobar to prove, verify
emocionarse to get excited, be moved emotionally
engañar to deceive
evitar to avoid/evade
experimentar to experience/experiment
obsesionarse to become obsessed
superar to overcome
acostumbrarse to get used to
adivinar to guess
aportar to contribute
elegir to choose
equivocarse to make a mistake, to be wrong
evaluar to evaluate
portarse bien to behave well
portarse mal to behave badly
relajarse to relax
vencer to defeat, overcome
el amor propio pride, self-respect
la conducta behavior
el estado de ánimo mood
el placer pleasure
el rasgo characteristic
el suceso event
el truco trick
el vicio vice (bad habit)
la autoestima self-esteem
el carácter personality
la confianza confidence
el instinto instinct
la vergüenza embarrassment, shame
afectado(a) upset
apasionado(a) passionate
cabezón/cabezona stubborn
capaz capable
desagradecido(a) ungrateful
egoísta selfish
humilde humble
imaginativo(a) imaginative
inquieto(a) restless
intutivo(a) intuitive
ansioso(a) anxious
bondadoso(a) good, kind
celoso(a) jealous
desenvuelto(a) outgoing
despreocupado(a) carefree
gracioso(a) funny, hilarious
guarro(a) vulgar
honrado(a) honest
inseguro insecure
maduro(a) mature
malhablado(a) foul-mouthed
malo(a) evil
maniático(a) compulsive
mentiroso(a) lying, false
orgulloso(a) proud
pijo(a) preppy
presumido(a) conceited
sensible sensitive
soso(a) lame, boring
tenaz tenacious
terco(a) stubborn
valiente brave, courageous
un pan sin sal super boring or lame person
molón/molona super cool guy/girl
esto mola this is cool
modernillo(a) hipster
chulo(a) presumido(a) vain person, super into their looks
pibón hottie or cutie
está bueno(a) (s)he's really hot
un pagafantas someone in the friend zone (usually a guy)
zumbado(a) crazy
malote/malota “bad” boy or girl (i.e. the one you can’t bring home to Mamá)
cuqui (pronounced ‘cookie’) cute
guay cool
Created by: meg.minor.15
Popular Spanish sets




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