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chapter15 deffintons

chapter 15

frequency sound tells you how fast pressure oscillates
superpostion principle sound creates by superpstion of many frequncies
decibels loudness of a sound
speaker device spicificly to reproduce sounds accuratly
acoustics sound and technology of sound
microphone transforms sound waves into electrical signal
stereo recorded sound you hear
longitudinal waves air thats compressed in direction of travel
wavelength sound in air thats compairable to size of everyday objects
subsonic moving slower than sound
shock wave forms when wave fronts pile up
supersonic moveing faster than sound
reverbration multible scho
fourier's theorm any wave can be repersented as a sum of single frquency waves
frequency spectrum graph that shows amplitude of each component frequency in complex wave.
sonogram special graph that shows how lound sound is in diffrent frequencies.
cochlea tiny fluid filled organ
rhythm reqular time pattern in a sound
musical scale pattern of frequencies
Created by: natty1
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