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which of the following examples illustrate professional devel conduct or assist with research, participate in continuing education, and engage in collaboration with other colleagues
During an adolescent psychiatric unit, one client plays his guitar continuously, not allowing the others to suggest songs. Another client turns up the volume and begins to play different songs. The guitar player then his instrument louder and faster. MT Stop the music and process the disruption. This option allows for effective order, structure, and acceptance that can be used in addressing the issues raised by the interaction.
continuous recording observing and making note of all target behaviors that occur within a specific time frame.
fixed ratio involves scheduled reinforcement. It is not a method of measuring behavior.
aeolian same as natural minor
ionian a major scale
lydian a major scale with a raised fourth
A new music therapist is uncertain as to the clinical implications of music behaviors observed in a group setting. The BEST approach to understanding the nature of these behaviors is to Discuss the behaviors with other music therapists familiar with this population. Other music therapists would be knowledgeable of music behaviors and their possible meanings.
scoliosis lateral curvature of the spine
spina bifida "open spine" is a condition in which the membrane or meninges covering the spine pouch out to form a sac at a point along the back.
hydrocephalus spinal fluid is prevented from leaving the brain and being reabsorbed into the blood stream.
spinal meningitis inflammation of the meninges or membranes that cover the brain and spinal cord.
During a gait training session with music therapy, a patient with a traumatic brain injury (TBI) is having difficulty walking to the beat of the music. To correct this problem, the music therapist should FIRST Have the patient walk to a simpler auditory stimulus such as a metronome. TBI patients can be easily distracted by too much stimulus. Research shows that just metronome training can be more effective.
rubato flexibility or stretching of tempo
andante moderately slow
ostinato refers to a musical pattern that is repeated precisely throughout a composition, thus providing melodic structure in form, rhythm, and possibly melody
ritenuto Ritenuto refers to slowing down immediately and does not refer to providing structure.
In a score, if a Bb trumpet is notated in the key of E, the piano is played in the key of Bb trumpet music is written one whole step above concert pitch, so the concert key of D on the piano corresponds to the notated trumpet key of E.
clave rhythm A. The Clave rhythm would provide the best accompaniment, as it is a 3-2 rhythmic pattern.
When selecting a music intervention for a client, the MOST important thing to take under consideration is Therapeutic goals. Interventions are always selected based on therapeutic goals.
17 yr has sudden grade decline, increased absences, inability to concentrate in school. Facial affect went friendly to flat. Student states he is fine. Only thing that seems to get interest is music. To assess possible causes of behavior, MT should FIRST Identify current stressors in the student’s life. This is the only choice that allows the music therapist to determine potential causal factors.
A new MT with specialized training moves to a place with only 3 MT, each has a large waiting list. They are only available to provide services on weekly basis, but many of the clients want more. After several contact him about services, the MT should Accept these clients only after speaking with their current music therapists about the situation.
assimilation developmental process describing a person's ability to comprehend and integrate new information.
A music therapist is improvising in the key of G major. Which of the following secondary dominant-seventh chords should be chosen for the MOST direct transition to the new key of D major? A7 is the secondary dominant-seventh of V in G major and the dominant-seventh of D major, the most direct transition to the new key.
A MT in an adult day care center is leading a large group instrumental improvisation. The group contains clients with a wide range of cognitive impairments. Which of the following is the BEST approach to engage clients in a structured improvisation? Allow clients to select instruments and cue them to play at specific times. The individuals may be more motivated when allowed to select their own instruments. The use of cues provides structure for engagement in a large group setting.
Client in a psychiatric facility. Her mother is developing dementia. She's distressed because she's expected to put needs of aging mother ahead of her & her family. Placing mother in a nursing home is negative due to cultural expectations. BEST thing is Teach the client to use progressive relaxation with music. This course of action will assist the client in dealing with her stress after release from the facility.
free association psychodynamic approach
task analysis behavioral
rhythmic auditory stimulation neurologic
autogenic relaxation guided imagery
A MT is playing a CD with lively music that contains a driving beat. A young client who has never been known by the T to have a seizure experiences one during this intervention. Which of the following is the BEST course of action for the MT in response? Discontinue music therapy until the child is evaluated by a neurologist. It is important to determine if music had anything to do with the seizure experienced by the child. Therefore, discontinuing MT until a neurologist can evaluate the child is best
ataxia motor disorder
dysphagia swallowing disorder
dysphasia language disorder
During a MT assessment, a client with late-stage dementia changed her facial expression several times, hummed parts of a familiar melody, made eye contact with MT, and attempted to play a hand drum. She was unresponsive to other stimuli. Best treatment Individual sessions emphasizing sensory awareness and stimulation. Sensory awareness and stimulation should be targeted for music therapy because this client is unresponsive to stimuli other than music.
Confidential information from a music therapy assessment and treatment plan may be revealed under all of the following circumstances EXCEPT When the client’s insurance company requests it. Information cannot be released to an insurance company without proper authorization.
pathology causes and effects of diseases
A 13 yr with ASD is brought to his initial MTS. According to record, he shows tactile defensiveness and limited verbal ability. He walks around perimeter looking at his hand and runs it along the wall. There is a piano, a drum, & xylophone. Best approach Observe and musically reflect his responses to the environment. Observing the client will give the therapist information on how to musically engage and reflect his responses.
When working to sustain the attention of a child during a medical procedure, the MOST important attribute of the music to consider is Rate of change. Principles of habituation & dishabituation to auditory stimulus show controlling rate of change occurring with M stimulus would be utilized to sustain attention. The T would determine rate of change based on response patterns of client.
Created by: eew888



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