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English Vocab, Parra

Parra Adilene, Vocab

What does an introduction paragraph contain? Hook, bridge, thesis,
What does body paragraphs contain? Topic sentence, details and elaboration to add to and explain main supporting points
What does an conclusion paragraph contain? restating the claim. summarize the main supporting point for the claim, provides a interesting, and gives the reader something to think about in the end
What are the Six Traits of Writing? SICVOW= Sentence fluency, ideas, conventions, voice, organization, and word choice
What are the common errors in convention? fragments, run-ons, wordiness, point of view
What is Plot? series of events
What is Expositions? part of the story in which the basic situation is outlined an the characters an main conflict are introduced.
What is Rising Action? chain of event that takes place as the main character struggles and to achieve his or her goals.
What is the Climax? the point of highest emotional intensity; and sometimes the point at which we learn the outcome of the conflict.
What is the Resolution? events following the climax in which any remaining issues are resolved.
What is the difference between indirect an direct? indirect is when we have to think about the character like Jorge, direct is when the author just tell us about them like Mrs. Jones was a large lady.
What is the difference between external and internal conflicts? internal is when a character undergoes an emotional struggle and himself vs. himself external is a person prevents them main character to achieve their goal man vs. man
What is tone? the attitude the writer or speaker takes
What is mode? the vibe the writing give you
What is symbolism? object, event, person, or animal that stands for itself and something else
What is omniscient point of view? never refers to themselves
What is First-Person point of view? talking to us
What is Third-Person Limited point of view? plays no part in the story
Thesis States the claim, previews the main supporting points, relevant topic, broad ideas, opposable/provable , clear claim.
Hook Interesting facts/statistics, short anecdote, shocking statement
Created by: addy42
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