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Ch. 7- Muscular Sys

Muscular System

Muscular System has 600 muscles
Muscles store Glucose. Muscles use stored glucose for energy. As glucose is used, heat is produced and warms the body
The muscular system Supports and maintains body posture
Tendon attaches muscle to bone
Fascia Sheets of fibrous connective tissue around muscle fibers
Contractions of the muscular system provide heat and permit movement
Muscles are made up of Muscle tissue
Three types of Muscle Tissue Skeletal (Striated), Smooth (Visceral), Cardiac
Smooth Muscle is found in the walls of hollow organs and tubes
Skeletal Muscle attaches to bones and tendons
Skeletal muscle operates under conscious control
Smooth Muscle is not under conscious control
Cardiac Muscle forms the wall of the heart
Cardiac Muscle is not under conscious control
Buccinator cheek muscle; fleshy part of cheek
Temporal Above and near ear
Masseter chewing muscle; allows to open and close mouth
Sternocleidomastoid major muscles of the neck and upper back;from sternum alongside neck; raises breastbone
Trapezius Across the back of the shoulder
Ligaments flexible, fibrous tissue that supports organs and connects bone to bone joints
Origin end of muscle nearest to the body
Insertion end of a muscle furthest from the center of the body
Abduction away from the midline
Adduction towards the midline
Circumversion rotation of an extremity in a circular motion
Eversion Movement of the sole of the foot away from the median plane
Inversion Movement of the sole of the foot toward the median plane
Dorsiflexion the act of bending backward
Plantar Flexion movement of the foot that flexes the foot or toes downward toward the sole
Flexion the bending of a limb or joint
Extension the act of straightening or extending a flexed limb
Frontalis forehead muscles; when raised expresses a look of surprise- when lowered expresses a stern gaze
Latissmus Dorsi from vertebrae of lower back; allows to extend and adduct the arm. SWIMMING
Pectoralis Major crosses upper part of chest; allows adduction of arm
Deltoid covers shoulder joint; allows abduction of the arm
Biceps Brachii Originates from scapula; flexing of the lower arm
Triceps Brachii Originates from scapula and humerus; straightening of elbow
2 headed muscle biceps brachii
3 headed muscle triceps brachii
Gluteus Maximus originates from the ilium and inserts at the femur; extends the thigh
Gluteus Medias originates from the posterior ilium, upper outer quadrant of the gluteus maximus
Quadriceps Femoris forms anterior part of thigh; extension of the thigh
Quadriceps Femoris group of 4 msucles
Hamstring group of 3 muscles
Hamstring posterior part of the thigh; flexion of the leg on the thigh and extension of the thigh
Gastrocnemius main calf muscle; attached to heel bone via achilles tendon; plantar flexion of foot ans toes
Tibialis Anterior front of leg; turns foot upward; dorsiflexion
Buccinator allows for whistling and smiling
Temporal side of face; allows for chewing
Sternocleidomastoid Bending tour neck and turning head side to side
Trapezius allows for shrugging
Controlled by the Autonomic Nervous System Cardiac muscle
Controlled by hormones and the Autonomic Nervous System Smooth muscle
Works in pairs; contracting/relazing Skeletal muscles
Striated Muscle Skeletal muscle
Visceral Muscle Smooth muscle
Cartilage covers joint surfaces; cushions
Joint area where 2 bones connect
Synovial fluid lubricates joint; provides nourishment to the cartilage and helps reduce friction
Muscle contractions produces nearly 85% of heat production
Joints determine degree of movement
Suture immovable joint; binds bones together
Hinge Joint allows for a back and forth type motion
Ball and Socket joint allows for movement in many directions around a central point
cartilaginous Joint bones are connected by cartilage
Standing on tiptoes Gastrocnemius Muscle
Walking on the heels of the feet Tibialis Anterior
Supports much of the body's weight and enables us to stand erect Gluteus Maximus
Obucularis oris located in the upper lip; allows for whistling, kissing, smiling, pouting, or grimacing with pain
Obicularis oculi located around the eyes; allows for a complete frown, squint, or wink
Supination turning palm up or forward
Pronation turning palm down or backward
Joints are also known as Articulations
Sprain traumatic injury to a ligament
Strain tear, partial tar, overuse, or overstretching of a muscle/tendon
Bursae fluid filled sacs; located where muscles and tendons move over bony joint areas. Their function is to reduce friction caused by muscles and tendons moving against skin and bones, as well as to facilitate movement
Rectus abdominis abdominal muscles; supports abdomen; flexes lumbar vertebrae
Pectoralis minor chest muscle; draws shoulder downward
Serratus anterior muscles on one side of ribcage; pulls lower end of scapula forward
external oblique rotates the trunk; pulls the chest downwards
Created by: MsKim6399



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